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Has Fonz been banned for good? Why?

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New member
I've not been on Elite regularly for quite some time and was looking through some old posts and noticed a lot of Fonz bashing going on. And he appears to have been banned??

In my opinion, this is a huge loss to the best AAS forum on the internet.

Fonz may have been arrogant at times, he admitted that himself. But, and it's a big but, he was one very clued up guy who helped a LOT of people out on this board, past and present.

After a brief search and a read through some of the posts I began to ask my self why some members would want to ridicule and antagonise a person the way in which he was. Sure, he gave it back. Both barrels at that and fair play, I respect him all the more for not backing down to people who deliberately instigated fights with him even although it was ruining his chances of being re-instated as a Mod.

It reminded me of the typical school playground scenario where a group of kids would pick on the smart guy as they were jealous because he had something none of them could ever attain, intelligence. Except Fonz fought back. Ask any of his friends, I'm sure Ulter could testify to this, but he wasn't always so abrasive with people. Constant attacks and abuse will change the way a person interacts with others over time.

What's the deal with him now? Is he allowed to come back ever? I really hope so.

So many good members have dwindled away from Elite because of this kind of nonsense. I don't think I've seen many of the old vets that were around when I first joined Elite. Guys like Conan, 2Thick, Huck, the Ranger and the list goes on and on. All great guys with an abundance of knowledge. It's my opinion that a lot of guys have moved on to other boards because of the trash talking 160lb pencil necks that post on EF, thankfully the majority of members are stand up guys.

We should be working with each other and helping the BB'ing community grow, not flaming the hell out of each other because we don't like someones personality or because we're jealous of his physique or, actually, for any damn reason whatsoever.

I'm not saying Fonz was perfect. He had his faults, as do we all. I try to accept people for who they are, imperfections and all, especially if they are a genuine enough character and are helping people out.

I hope this board continues to grow in size but more so I hope the standard of members returns to what it was like a few years ago.

And for all the guys out there ready to come back with the standard retort of "It's the internet, relax." You're right, it is the internet and maybe we shouldn't take insults so seriously on it but at the end of the day we are here to help each other out. This is the Anabolic Forum, a place to discuss the use of AAS in a civilised manner. Society doesn't allow us that privilege and I doubt it ever will, so please don't ruin such a good thing with petty bickering. If you want to talk trash like a 12 year old, go to the Chat and Conversation board where you will be welcomed warmly.

This post is not just about Fonz, I am just a little pissed off, correction, I am really pissed off that we have lost another quality member. Please take the positives from this post on board and help keep Elite at the top of the pile.

Godspeed :beer:

UglyASS :fistfullo :argue: :destroy:
Fonz was/is a lying scammer.....what else do we need to know?.........NEXT!
Nope, not Fonz bro sorry. lol

Regardless of the situation with Fonz, the point of that thread was to show that we can do without all the haters.

I hardly think he warrants being called a retard regardless of what you think of him, he is a very intellignet person IMO. But then again, it may just be easier to jump on the band wagon.

UglyASS said:
If you want to talk trash like a 12 year old, go to the Chat and Conversation board where you will be welcomed warmly.


I was around here back in 2001-2002ish (madcow1) and was surprised too. From what I gather, and not that I spend a lot of time trying to sort this out he scammed some people and this lead to his banning. I can't confirm or deny - and really don't care but that's what a few people have alluded to.
UglyASS said:
Nope, not Fonz bro sorry. lol

Regardless of the situation with Fonz, the point of that thread was to show that we can do without all the haters.

I hardly think he warrants being called a retard regardless of what you think of him, he is a very intellignet person IMO. But then again, it may just be easier to jump on the band wagon.


fonz is an idiot. he is a pathological liar.
Pseudo science and hard headedness do not make an intelligent opinion.

Fonz is a skinny little stick boy. A shredded 135 pounder. A weakling with some gross looking abs. Worst of all a scammer.

Not the kind of person to get bodybuilding advice from, ya know?
Well, I don't know anything about him being a scammer and for all I know it could just have been part of the little vendetta against him.

I liked the guy and he helped me along the way with some advice.

I'm not attacking anyone on here who has issues with him, the underlying point of my post was to illustrate the amount of shit talking that is going on now and that its wrong.

I think he was actually about 190lbs and ripped to the bone. Not the look I prefer but it takes discipline to get there.

I can see I am in for some abuse here. lol

UglyASS :p
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