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Good Stacks?


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I have 3000mg of tren ethanate, 3000mg of test propianate, 250tabs of 5mg D-bol, 100tabs of Nolvadex, 5000I.U. HCG pregnyl, 15 tabs of Clomid.
I want to put on size but stay pretty lean! Should I even run the D-bol?
"Staying lean" is going to be dependent on diet. To little info. Post up your stats, years training, cycle history. How you plan on running your cycle, typical daily diet and traing routine. The more info we have the better we can help.
My advice is to use a test and tren ace blend its brill for size and cut. Add Winni too if possible. Personally I think Dianabol is a complete waste of time toxic, water retention but thats my opinion others may disagree.
I have 3000mg of tren ethanate, 3000mg of test propianate, 250tabs of 5mg D-bol, 100tabs of Nolvadex, 5000I.U. HCG pregnyl, 15 tabs of Clomid.
I want to put on size but stay pretty lean! Should I even run the D-bol?

i wouldnt run the DBOL if your trying to keep water retention minimal
I am 25, 6'3", 215lbs. I ran test e for 6 weeks, it was supposed to be 8 but I had to end prematurley due to work issues. I eat fairly clean, the only food option for me currently is cafateria food. I take in at least 220g of protein a day, 300g of carbs adn right around 80g of fat. I have a shake inbetween each meal and one after lifting. I do a lot of cardio, first thing in the morning and lift in the evenings. I am doing drop sets for the first 4 weeks and then going into medium weights. I need an idea of the levels of the test p and the tren to run weekly for 8 weeks.
Only noption is cafeteria food? How is that possible? I cook all my meats/ carbs in bulk then freeze in freezer bags. Their is rarely an excuse to eate cafe food everyday bro
its really sad to see people turning to roids as a short-cut without maxing out their genetic potential naturally.
Well then maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to become a baby killer! Just eat as much chicken as you can, minimize the cardio and lift HEAVY as much as possible if you want to run that stack. a gram a day should be good for you.
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