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"Gear" up now!, they don't like us!!

nuh_mizer said:
I agree with alot of this, but we should also remember that France helped us out when we were trying to get out from under England and they did give us the statue of liberty didn't they? I agree that there opinion of us now isn't justified though.

Fuck France...lets invade them..take over all their shit and import the Eiffel tower to America after were done as a kind of souveneir. Well put it in the strip in Las Vegas....
Yes, let's all blindly follow the Hitler of today, Geo W. Bush and his sidekick ( fuck the constitution) Ashcroft. Can none of you simple sheep read between the lines?:destroy:
chat boards my friends.

Damn u guys are making my bp sky high!

If anyone is to be compared to Hitler, it should be Sadam.
chat boards my friends.

Damn u guys are making my bp sky high!

If anyone is to be compared to Hitler, it should be Sadam

Does Sadam also want to tap every phone conversation, read every e-mail, record every credit card tranaction and travel arrangement? Refwr to "The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003" No doubt Sadam is a cocksucker the world would be better off without, but at what cost to American life. I agree with you bro, this is chat board material, maybe that's why I seldom venture there.:)
liftsiron said:
Yes, let's all blindly follow the Hitler of today, Geo W. Bush and his sidekick ( fuck the constitution) Ashcroft. Can none of you simple sheep read between the lines?:destroy:

i hope you're just plain stupid because a statement like that is purely ignorant and quite frankly can get you hurt badly.

consider yourself lucky to be behind the security of a website cause face to face, i'd make you another fuckin asshole.
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liftsiron said:
Yes, let's all blindly follow the Hitler of today, Geo W. Bush and his sidekick ( fuck the constitution) Ashcroft. Can none of you simple sheep read between the lines?

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Especially since Hitler mass murdered Jews and Bush is a proclaimed Christian.

You can dislike Bush & his administration, but please refraim from purely ignorant statments like that:rolleyes:
Liftsiron- Sadam does not have to worry about terrorists attacks on his country in the same manor that we do. I am not saying that I agree with the act itself, although I do see the meaning behind it.

Mods please move.
If you guys can't see our rights getting stripped from us everday then you are all blind as Hellen Kellar. Good post Liftsiron, I would call him the antichrist before the new Hitler, but hey, whats the difference. Sorry guys I'm not as easy to be persuaded to jump on the bandwagon. Something is gonna happen really soon, and if the terrorists don't do it, Bush will. If he wants to live up to his dad then he needs to go over there and pick up a gun and die like he is trying to make the rest of us do. He'll be nice and safe in the whitehouse while we go kill ourselves for the great freedoms we have in this country. Yeah fucking right, that motherfucker doesn't fool me. Enjoy this great freedom while it lasts because it's disapearing faster than you can say the word. Oh, and leancuisine what the fuck do you care what we say about OUR president, mind your own fucking English ass business. Your gonna kick our ass because we express our views about our president? Come down here to Texas motherfucker and I'll kick your ass so hard you'll land right back in the shithole you came from.
Watson said:
If Oh, and leancuisine what the fuck do you care what we say about OUR president, mind your own fucking English ass business. Your gonna kick our ass because we express our views about our president? Come down here to Texas motherfucker and I'll kick your ass so hard you'll land right back in the shithole you came from.

first of all bitch,
i have dual citizenship... england, u.s. was born in u.s bitch!!!


you wanna roll up on me bitch?
i'll flip your punk ass like a clown bitch!

you dont KNOW me punk!
dont make me roll your redneck texas ass like an egg roll bitch!

you better recognize home boy or you get wrecked.
anytime you find your ass in london, hit me with an email so i can unleash some aggression and send you back to texas for your friends and family to see all wrecked up, BITCH!
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