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Gaining more weight with steroids?


New member
I’m looking to gain weight on my next steroid stack
I’m 25 years old. 5’10’’ and 155 pounds, and very lean
I spent the past 5 years mostly doing cardio, not doing much in the way of weight training but started 2 weeks ago
My steroid stack looks like this so far:
1000mgs of trenbolone enanthate
500mgs of testosterone propionate
500mgs of equipoise
100mgs of anadrol per day
This will be a 12 week cycle. Its pricey but i am serious here
SMFH... anyone out there, do yourself a favor and do not listen to any of this person's post.. im not even bothering with such ignorance, just do yourself a favor out there and DO NOT under any circumstance follow any of this.. in fact, do the polar opposite!
Beyond pointing out your age, you are extremely underweight for your height, which makes this double worse and for the finishing touches to make it a trio of a bad idea, your dosing is abusive as well
I’m looking to gain weight on my next steroid stack
I’m 25 years old. 5’10’’ and 155 pounds, and very lean
I spent the past 5 years mostly doing cardio, not doing much in the way of weight training but started 2 weeks ago
My steroid stack looks like this so far:
1000mgs of trenbolone enanthate
500mgs of testosterone propionate
500mgs of equipoise
100mgs of anadrol per day
This will be a 12 week cycle. Its pricey but i am serious here
I dont think this cycle is reasonable. You should cut your doses by 80% at least.
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