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Fitness Log

This program is only 6 weeks, thats twelve lifting days. Thats not alot of time considering it should add 20-25 lbs. to your bench. Thats means there isn't alot of room for missed workouts. I don't want to see you not make any progress because you have been to busy.
Yeah I completely agree ROTC just ended for the summer so I will definitely be able to make all workouts now.

BTW I did Bloomsday, the 7.46 mile run in Spokane WA. It was required for ROTC and I chose to do it with another guy with our rucks. We started with him having 45 lbs I had 30 lbs. I added about another 15 lbs of rocks. He had an injury that started acting up so he could only walk it. I ended up running half mile sprints at a time then waiting for him. One of the hardest workouts Ive ever done haha I am destroyed now.

Monday 5.2.11

Close Grip Bench (Work to 5rm)
225x5 PR
260x1 PR

Dynamic Bench
8x3x165 2 sets wide, 3 normal, 3 close

Comments: Great stuff on cg bench. I havent benched close in a long time and still got some PR's. I think my real 5rm is probably 230x5 cause 225x5 wasnt too bad. 260 was pretty close to my max, but that was after 225x5.

Bodyweight: 182

Current Goals----(at 190 lbs bodyweight or less)
Bench press: 315
CG Bench: 275
Deadlift: 500
Squat: 350
Military press: 185
Weight pullups: 100

So I dont necessarily expect to get all these soon but my goal is to get as close to these as I can. I'm going to spend a lot of time backpacking over summer and know I'm going to lose a lot of strength so I just want to get a good base that I can try to maintain for summer.
So here is the routine I'm doing right now:

Workout 1
-Dave Tate’s 6 Week bench routine
-low rep squat
-Weighted planks

Workout 2
-Military press
-grip work

Workout 3
-Dave Tate’s 6 Week bench routine
-High rep squat
-Weighted pull ups

It's pretty simple and to the point. Do you guys think that squatting twice heavy and deadlifting in the same week is too much? Also I would be doing heavy upper body work 3 days a week....should I not do military press while I'm doing the Dave Tate routine or is it fine?
Wednesday 5.4.11

370x5 belt mixed

Military press

A little grip work

Comments: Pretty good stuff. Form felt good on 370 and it wasn't too hard. 370x5 ain't bad too considering it's been 3 weeks since I deadlifted and like months before that haha. 375x5 or 380x5 next week depending on how I feel.

Bodyweight 180 pounds on the dot
Saturday 5.7.11

Bench lockouts (instead of board press---need to find a board substituite)

Close Grip Incline Bench press (First time ever doing....loved it!)
3x8x155 hard

Comments: Decent workout. Bench lockouts sucked though. The way I do them where I bring it down to the safety bars on the side is really awkward. One side it always hitting first and it screws me up. I need to get a substitute board set up. Any ideas I've heard books work well. CGIBP was super fun. I did it at about a 45 degree angle and the ROM was insane, all upper body too. If anyone has tried it how did your strength on it compare to regular bench strength? I read somewhere that it is the best test of football hitting power. Again I ran out of time and didn't get to squat, facepulls, and db row. Motivation to do squats has been crap too :(

Dynamic Bench
8x3x170 (2 sets wide grip, 3 normal, 3 close)


30 Burpees

Comments: Not a good workout.missed over a week of workouts so thats what I get. I was supposed to do a 3rm on cgbp, I meant to go for 235 but put on 245 instead so it screwed me up.



345x5 belt

Military press
135x9 Tied PR

Comments: I started light on deadlifts but this felt fairly hard. It's a wakeup call that I cant deadlift and squat once a month and expect to do well haha. However military press redeemed the workout. I hardly ever military press and was still able to tie my all time pr at 135
i think you can squat twice and deadlift once a week...
during PCT i had done smolov (squatted 4 days a week, heavy) and still pulled on wendsdays... i had to gain some extra weight (muscle and fat), however i was able to keep 99.9% of the strength from my cycle...
being younger and natural if you get plenty of food and good rest you should be fine... your workouts seem to be direct and to the point- so as long as you dont do in trying to add in a bunch of extra assistance work, you should do well...
i think you can squat twice and deadlift once a week...
during PCT i had done smolov (squatted 4 days a week, heavy) and still pulled on wendsdays... i had to gain some extra weight (muscle and fat), however i was able to keep 99.9% of the strength from my cycle...
being younger and natural if you get plenty of food and good rest you should be fine... your workouts seem to be direct and to the point- so as long as you dont do in trying to add in a bunch of extra assistance work, you should do well...

yeah my routine I'm following right now calls for low rep squats monday, deadlifts wed, and high rep squats friday. But I've been so busy with other stuff I havent been following it well. Now I'm done with college though and I got some time. The only thing that will get in the way is backpacking trips but other than that it's time to get strong!
good to see you here man. congrats on the military PR!

what routine are you doing right now?

Hey jdid! Things have been really inconsistent with lifting for me but they are going to get back on track. Right now I'm doing a mixed routine:

Workout 1
-Dave Tate’s 6 Week bench routine
-low rep squat
-Weighted planks

Workout 2
-Military press
-grip work

Workout 3
-Dave Tate’s 6 Week bench routine
-High rep squat
-Weighted pull ups
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