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first time starting gear with high bodyfat %

BMI is extremely inaccurate for anyone carrying a signfigant amount of muscle mass. It works reasonable well for people who do no resistance training.
BigCracker said:
I ran Sus/Dbol for my first cycle and I was higher bf myself. My blood pressure went through the roof and if I cut myself shaving it would bleed for like, an hour. If I could do it again I'd have done a 30 day crash diet on cocaine to lose some fat first. lol If I were you I'd try to maintain the same weight or drop a few lbs while on a test/anavar stack. If you drink lots of water, do a lot of cardio, and have good pct you should do ok. IMNSHO opinion thick skinned guys should avoid dbol cuz it makes them look even fatter. Just remember that the bigger your waist is, the smaller your back and chest will appear and vice versa. Treadmill and ab exercises should be a huge part of your routine and if you drink soda-you need to stop. I'm not discrediting the other guy's suggestions at all-but I think fat guys like us have different needs than lower bf bb's.

thanks cracker i was debating running the d-bol just because of water retention but want the strength gains from it. but i recently added 45 min of cardio to my routine far i enjoy it .
BMI is not even vaguely accurate for anyone carrying more muscle than the typical couch potato. It doesn't discriminate in any way between muscle and fat and assumes that everyone has the same bone-density and thickness. It's complete fairy-tale nonsense.

One typical example is to plug Arnie in when he last won the O. He was 242 at 6'. The BMI would class him as obese at 32.8.
drink lots of water
eat clean
watch BP
do cardio

it can be done but not advised, run an AI through the whole cycle and beyond
my bmi is around 26 and b/f is around 14% i'm 5'11" 200pounds so you could be much lower. try post some pics and see if anyone can estimate.
16% your straight bro!!!!!!!!!

bulk up clean, drink alot of water and workout like a mofo.

dont let people get you down

rememeber your bulking up for muscle not fat
BigCracker said:
I ran Sus/Dbol for my first cycle and I was higher bf myself. My blood pressure went through the roof and if I cut myself shaving it would bleed for like, an hour. If I could do it again I'd have done a 30 day crash diet on cocaine to lose some fat first. lol If I were you I'd try to maintain the same weight or drop a few lbs while on a test/anavar stack. If you drink lots of water, do a lot of cardio, and have good pct you should do ok. IMNSHO opinion thick skinned guys should avoid dbol cuz it makes them look even fatter. Just remember that the bigger your waist is, the smaller your back and chest will appear and vice versa. Treadmill and ab exercises should be a huge part of your routine and if you drink soda-you need to stop. I'm not discrediting the other guy's suggestions at all-but I think fat guys like us have different needs than lower bf bb's.

hahaa on the crash diet on cocaine lol
Yeah BMI is total bullshit. By it, I have been obese for a long time lol. Calipers are not the best, but if you use the same system of measurement every time, you can see what % composition changes you are making. Dunking is the best way to get an accurate bf%.
BMI is a joke, but remember he said he's 6'2'' , 290. At 25% BF, that would make his LBM around 217lbs approx. That is a pretty stacked amount of muscle. if he was less bodyfat than 25, he would definately be a strong mofo.
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