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first steroid cycle - Thinking Big

LOL nah I'm not running that much gear definitely did my research - ok straight test e for 8-10 weeks 500mg split 250 x2 a weeks - dbol to kickstart maybe? proviron through out? can someone give me a good idea for a PCT for this simple first cycle beginning two weeks after last injection I assume.

thanks for the feedback guys
lol that would be a crazy dose! OK straight test e for 8-10 weeks 500mg split 250 x2 a weeks - dbol to kickstart maybe? proviron through out? can someone give me a good idea for a PCT for this simple first cycle beginning two weeks after last injection I assume. anything to keep gyno away side effects etc just nolva I assume if any occur

thanks for the feedback guys
i think you can run proviron and anavar throughout... forget the dbol... just do test, anavar and proviron... that is plenty for a first cycle and will get great results man...

fuck nolva, fuck nolva, fuck nolva!!

for pct...

clomid 25/12.5/12.5/12.5
forged pct

i would run hcgenerate on cycle as well... always make sure you have an ai on hand... arimidex is fine...

VERY GOOD CHOICE dropping the deca... horrible fucking first cycle... i personally wouldn't ever touch the shit but that's just me... anyway, i think this would be a nice one for you...
the table image is wrong here is the actual cycle

Dbol 30mg daily for 4-6 weeks

Test e 250mg twice a week mon-thurs for 10weeks

Arimdex EOD quarter pill?

PCT - 2 weeks after last pin?

clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

how does the pct look?

Thanks bud
Test cyp 400-500mgs weekly only for your first cycle... No point adding extras yet as you will gain large amount on this alone. See how you react to one compound. Which test is the backbone of most cycles. .

Defo not deca too.
Test cyp 400-500mgs weekly only for your first cycle... No point adding extras yet as you will gain large amount on this alone. See how you react to one compound. Which test is the backbone of most cycles. .

Defo not deca too.
I fully agree with BigP ... ONLY test, nothing else, preferably, on your first 2-3 cycles. That way you can guage how your body reacts to the Test. 1st Cycle - Test (Cyp/Enant) 350mg/wk over 10 - 12wks with an AI on hand. 2nd Cycle up the dosage to 450mg/wk same timespan, again, AI on hand. 3rd Cycle up the dosage to 500mg/wk same timespan with AI on hand. Now you know EXACTLY how your body reacts to Test and you have gradually brought it up to an average dosage of 500mg/wk instead of flooding it with the 1st cycle and oversaturating your receptors. Then it's not just advisable, but a MUST to have something like HCGenerate, Forged or Forma-Stanzol for PCT and even for on-=cycle support ... Clomid and HCG will suffice for PCT and HCG for on-cycle support, though it's not the best there is. Skip Nolva ... like Dylan said, Bro, F*ck Nolva!

I am SO GLAD you decided to drop the Deca, especially in your 1st cycle ever. I have been doing cycles for a long time and I am going to 'try' Deca for myself now for the 1st time ever ... and it's only to satisfy my own curiosity and see how I react to it. Don't get me wrong, I am nervous about this decision, but relieved about your decision. :D
the table image is wrong here is the actual cycle

Dbol 30mg daily for 4-6 weeks

Test e 250mg twice a week mon-thurs for 10weeks

Arimdex EOD quarter pill?

PCT - 2 weeks after last pin?

clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

how does the pct look?

Thanks bud

No it doesn't Nova is no PCT
Research more because your PCT sucks.
^^^^^^^^^^ i cant seem to figure out why you constantly keep bringing up nolva, yet we all keep telling you its shit and you keep asking if its a good pct... NOLVA IS NOT A PCT...
Soooo ... I hope the next post will not contain anything starting with an 'N' followed 'olv' and ending with an "A'? :D
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