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Fina users want to keep your libido with out test or drugs

Vitex increases LH production and mildly inhibits the release of FSH (see Figure 4). The result is a shift in the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, in favor of proges-terone.
This dosen't sound good for those worried about, or sensitive to, progesterone and fina gyno.
alien amp pharm said:
Well congrats on the longest post in Elite history!

LOL, yeah I meant to pare it down to the essentials, but I got distracted at work and just posted it. Anyway, stop being so insensitive you male chauvinist pig, the Use of Vitex in Women's Healthcare is an important issue!
Silent Method said:

This dosen't sound good for those worried about, or sensitive to, progesterone and fina gyno.

You hit the nail on the head there compadre, I'd be more worried about the not-as-uncommon-as-one would-think fina gyno.

This was a sticky some time back.

The jury is still out. People say vitex works, that's the bottom line. I just can't figure out why.
Vitex can raise or lower can raise or lower sex drive too. If use in conjunction with arimidex and tribulus (45%saponins) it can serve to boost libido quite well.

That's the combo I have used and recommended for over a year now. I never use clomid or HCG. I crash, but I recover very quickly, even from fina. Takes about four weeks to recover fully for me, and I am almost thirty five.
Fukkenshredded said:
Vitex can raise or lower can raise or lower sex drive too. If use in conjunction with arimidex and tribulus (45%saponins) it can serve to boost libido quite well.

That's the combo I have used and recommended for over a year now. I never use clomid or HCG. I crash, but I recover very quickly, even from fina. Takes about four weeks to recover fully for me, and I am almost thirty five.

What dosages do you use with that combo hombre? I've never been a believer in tribulis, but I only ever tried the twinlab version which did nada. I've got some deprenyl on the way and the mad scientist in me wants to put the ultimate pro-sexual stack together. Any brand of tribulis you recommend?
HighIntensity, Ditto here.

I started Vitex last week, we went on a camping trip for 3 days, 2 nights, she wanted to know where the wood came from and why was it sooooo hard......

I'm a believer and at the price that GNC has it, I'm buying up my share at the beginning of each month.


Vitex while not on gear?

I had some Vitex laying around and since the new chick I'm banging is giving me a run for my money, I decided to take 1G the other day since it seemed to help when I was trying fina out. Well, I noticed my left nip started feeling a little odd that day (like what I feel when starting fina) and then I had performance issues later that night while getting freaky. So, WTF is the deal with Vitex alone? I'm guessing if your levels of progesterone / estrogen are already cool, taking Vitex will fuck them up? I had performance issues for three nights after taking the Vitex, three nights ago and last night. The second night we were both tired so we didn't even do anything. I was able to work through the problem the day I took the Vitex, but last night was a no go ... I lost it in the middle of everything. Anyway, there are other issues surrounding this relationship, so it may have just been my imagination with the vitex. However, that's the only thing different with me over the past few days. I tested the equipment out this morning and all was well and good although I didn't feel my normal drive. Anyone else here try Vitex without being on any juice? What were the results?
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