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Does Testosterone reduce bodyfat??

liftsiron said:
Originally posted by jboldman
estrogen does not lead to increased bodyfat, just a different fat distribution. sheesh, read the studies. this is a myth from way back. Do not confuse water weight with fat.

Bullshit, estrogen is the main reason that women on the average have a much higher fat to lean mass ratio. You give a women test or even arimidex the ratio changes closer to that of a man.
A normal man, not a piggish human being. I'm not interested in seeing any studies that say otherwise, because they would also be bullshit.

liftsiron is right estrogen is what makes a woman a woman...soft!!!that why women have a higher bf ratio!


Test.. prop will help you with fat loss the best... also, it's true that test will help you lean up.. that is unless you have trouble with gyno..

I think test prop is great for fat loss when used in conjuction with nolvadex, arimedex, or letrozole... for test to help you with fat loss you'll probably need to run an antiestrogen..

The DHt in test is what makes you lose fat, and your hair... But Dht is the key..

If you want to get cut run some winny
this has been my experience...under 1 gram, test will make me bigger, no mystery there. But, recently, Ive been hitting up high doses of enanthate and, well.....I've leaned down considerably while eating like shit..junk basically. My waist is around 32 inches now from 34. I'm 6'2" and 220 at the moment. The only sides I'm getting is acne on my back. I don't recommend doing high doses, but, Ive seen a difference at 1 gram or more.
What you have to remember about test and dosages is it is the amount of free test in your system, that I believe contribute to getting leaner vs. fatter (as well as sex drive), along with keeping estrogen at low to moderate levels. For me, running as high as 600mg/wk the addition of even a small amount of winny really kicks the cycle into gear, I believe cause of winnys ability to reduce SHBG. Proviron is probably a little safer choice to reduce SHBG plus has some anti-e effects. Although it might just be cheapest to run the test to a gram or more. It seems my old body can bind up a great deal of test, if 600mg does not have much effect until I add the winny. So I am not sure really how high a dose of straight T I would need before I outpace the SHBG. For younger bros it seems their SHBG is naturally lower.
I agree. If I had the cash I would throw in winny, it really helped out last time I dieted. However, I am bulking right now, eating 4000+/day. Still leaning down though and barely any bloat. I'm 32, maybe age has something to do with it. I can tolerate high doses quite well, the bacne is awful, that's my only complaint.
RADAR said:

liftsiron is right estrogen is what makes a woman a woman...soft!!!that why women have a higher bf ratio!


Nothing like the touch of a woman's soft skin!

My thoughts:

1- when I was in my twenties and had plenty of natural test I actually thought test facilitated an increase in bodyfat because I used to hold so much water on cyp, enth & sust (I didn't use anti-es though). I bloated up pretty good. It certainly didn't seem to reduce fat.

2- Now that I'm heading toward my late 30s, even the smallest additional test has a DRAMATIC effect in lowering my bodyfat. In fact, with low normal test, its now extremely difficult for me to stay lean with muscularity naturally. 100mg E5D within a couple weeks significantly starts reducing my bodyfat.
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