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Deca vs Testosterone, battle to the death

What have you seen more gains on?

  • Deca durabolin

    Votes: 43 26.9%
  • Test propinate

    Votes: 21 13.1%
  • Test enanthate

    Votes: 78 48.8%
  • Test suspension

    Votes: 18 11.3%

  • Total voters
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Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

Not even the same league.
Test is great for large gains. Deca is good for small but solid gains.
Use them both and :)
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

OMEGA said:
Sus has been better the Test E
Deca has been better then NPP ( go figure)

Sus + Deca = great novice results

500 Sus, 300 Deca a week

jesus, where did you find this thread?? the post before yours was over 3 YEARS AGO!! congratulations, you are officially a douche-nozzle.
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

sergio "How many here have actually tried a single steroid cycle to know what they're talking about? It's hard to differentiate the effects of a certain compound when you mix'em up...I'll be the first to admit I can't.."

yea when i 1st started out i used deca 4 10weeks .after i had don some deca winny dbol and anadrol combos i took test prop for 4 weeks had a brake and done it again with anadrol and tren. right now im on testex 10 weeks and prop at start. o yea i also done tren only. ne way test 4 all out mass tren 4 how much u take 4 it 2 be afective deca as it is some what soft on the my opinion ne way .so yea they all good shit. sorry 4 the life story....
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

sergio said:
How many here have actually tried a single steroid cycle to know what they're talking about? It's hard to differentiate the effects of a certain compound when you mix'em up...I'll be the first to admit I can't..

I've done dbol alone and gained a solid 10 pounds. and that was at 30 mg

I'm doing test E 300mg a week now and im on week 7 and ive gained a solid 12 pounds, holding a little water and a little bit bloated but i look good.

next i wanna do test/tren or maybe test/eq/fina......just gotta find a source
who sells fina haha.

P.S. the sense of weel being of being on test is unbelievable. i'm always happy and feel great. :)
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

I didn't read the whole thread but I'd say they're even in regard to gains.

It is funny how people draw conclusions never having tested just one or the other. I have. (Well, used test and primo and deca and primo).

Personally, I found deca more bloating. When I did Deca they used to say it didn't aromatize, which I never believed to be true. (Argued with Dan about that one). Deca is more progestrogenic, causing the infamous "deca dick."

So all in all, I think deca is an outdated drug. Absolutely pointless since there are so many other compounds available.
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

Deca armomatizes at about 20%.

Further the Progesterone sides tend to be expressed stronger while stacked with Test and lackluster AI management. That is to say if E levels are high the then Progesterone sides tend to be expressed much MUCH more.

Deca for MANY offers extra Anabolism without sides, and perhaps the greatest benefits is what it may offer joints, tendon and bone and mineral composition.

It has its place in conservative doses. NOT high doses
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

Nelson Montana said:
deca and primo).

Personally, I found deca more bloating. When I did Deca they used to say it didn't aromatize, which I never believed to be true. (Argued with Dan about that one). Deca is more progestrogenic, causing the infamous "deca dick."

So all in all, I think deca is an outdated drug. Absolutely pointless since there are so many other compounds available.

Have you tried NPP?
Re: Deca vs Test, battle to the death

Nelson Montana said:
Deca doesn't have sides?!!??!?

of COURSE it does at higher doses and they are hardcore

I think I was commenting on the comment that it is "USELESS and OUTDATED"

To be clear imho Deca should be used at NO more then 400 mgs a week

and in many cases if not most just 250-300 mgs a week

thats the clarification forgot to add.

The benefits it provides to those susceptible to its benefits are overwhelmingly positive.

Happy Easter
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