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Cycle For Speed Over Summer


New member
well, its off to college next year, and im really gonna miss track and compeeting so im really gonna have to kick it up this summer to go on with track next year. Ive been lifting about 4 years now, and have never run a cycle, ive been following the boards a bout 6 months now. I almost jumped in with a cycle a while back but decided I had better hold off, anyways. So what would be a good cycle for a sprinter? It should be somthing with a short half life because of drug tests and such, I may run it again durring the school year. Id prefere an oral only cycle, but if it cant be done, Im open to other suggestions. let me know, thanks again.
your probably to young and I was a lacrosse player so I am not sure what drug really would be best are you trying to gain size?

I would say anavar, winstrol, and primo. eq would be best but it is detectable for 6 months.
i cant afford to think that im not going to be tested. you always gotta plan ahead. also, what sprinter goes just for size? im fairly sure that would be a little obvious, any size you put on a sprinter you want to put to good use
i think you would be best to go with test suspesion. very short half life and you will make pretty good gains! remeber, speed is mainly a training issue (just like jumping!). as long as you are doing sport specific trianing any anabolic will help!
If you're tested:

1. Oral Winstrol
2. Test Prop
3. Tren no-ester

If you aren't:

1. Anavar
2. Winstrol(inj. or oral)
3. EQ
4. Test(Any kind)

I used a good amount of winstrol over the off-season for football and when we tested for 40's a while later i shaved over 1/10 of second which is good considering im slow--how fast can you be at 5'11" 250--i feel like a block with legs
NCAA tests are so infrequent that you don't have much to worry about provided you use the right compound.

Test susp or Test P for a shorter cycle, combined with an appropriate training regimen, and you should be able to make substantial progress with little added risk.
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