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Cycle advice- low test prep/anavar


New member
I'm in the process of planning a pretty weak cycle, not going for 30ibs gains by no means. I really wanted to do just an anavar only cycle but research is telling me that's a no go. So I decided to throw Test Propionate in the mix. Keep in mind my main goal is to reap the lean strength benefits of anavar. Here's what I'm looking at doing so far.

Anavar 30mg Ed week 1-2

Test prop 50mg eod week 2-7

Anavar 50mg ed week 3-8

Aromasin 12.5 Ed week2-8


Clomid 100/100/50/50/25

Hcg 200 eod

Aromasin 12.5 eod

I am still open to reasonable suggestions, this is my first time injecting, any genius advice and tips are greatly appreciated.

22 y/o



Been working out 8 years now

Foundation founded lol
as a first cycle i think this is alright for your goals. you could probably achieve similar results with test only and just doubling the dose performance wise but var will give you a more appealing look.
dont use hcg in pict as it is suppressive, use it last 3 weeks of cycle and stop 5 days before pct
1 : prop you should always run at least 8 to 10 weeks
2 : prop dose is little low try 100mg EOD
3: Anavar 50mg/day

Maybe HCG for in cycle support , this is open to debate

Liver support nb !

Pct looks good

Good luck hope this helps
Was going to say just run test e at 250mg a week💉💉💉

.5 cc shot monday/thursday... First timer eod on prop is not fun...

50mg anavar a day from the start and run var for 8 weeks test for 10
Mmmhhhmmmm not exactly... I pin sometimes up to 20 times a day between insulin, growth, peptides, and gear, and it gets old fast...
Mmmhhhmmmm not exactly... I pin sometimes up to 20 times a day between insulin, growth, peptides, and gear, and it gets old fast...

yes! esp when you start deveping scar tissue in the easy spot like shoulder and have to pin bis, tris, lats and chest!
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