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Cutting cycle, help needed please.


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Im going to be doing a 6 week cutting cycle

one rip 200 10ml x 2 which contains:

Testosterone Propionate 70mg
Drostanolone Propionate(Masteron) 65mg
Trenbolone Acetate 65mg

and i will shoot EOD , monday, wednesday, friday.

and also 80mg anavar ED.

Would you recommend hcg throughout? or after and will clomid be ok or would i need nolvadex too?

Im also on hgh and started t4 too and a clean diet, i just want to harden up a little more.

any help would be appreciated.

it wil work out about 7 weeks. I was just following a few guys in the gym who did this as a cutting cycle for only 6 weeks and mixed with anavar and had good results.

stats are 24 , 6ft ,215 pounds and 13%body fat. I cut down from 250, i was alot bulkier but my knees started to hurt.
Nice cycle too bad you couldn't go for 10 to 12 weeks. I am a fan of hcg throughout and clomid pct because it works for me.
Get another vial mate and run it 10 weeks if you can. Run it before. Prefer the seperate compounds myself as the dose ratios arent perfect for me but still a good combo.

mon/wed morning then fri evening for more stable blood levels
I'm on deca, t400, n about to start hgh.. The results I've gotten just from the deca n t400 in the 3weeks I been on are great..
ok thx for the replys, i will prob take your advice and do 10 weeks! 250iu twice a week hcg will be enought wont it?
I was doing 250 every 4 th day and my valls stayed plump throughout. I did the last 2 weeks moved up to 500 every forth because I was getting some small shrikage.

ok thx for the replys, i will prob take your advice and do 10 weeks! 250iu twice a week hcg will be enought wont it?
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