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Christians - what is your opinion about homosexuality?

Sbeezy get em they are arguing the bible on a steroid chat forum I r not smart enof for this

LMAO thats because they all use bogus joose and look like shit, so they have to find something to argue about other than the obvious.
Going to hell is no laughing matter.

Saying your gay friends are more honest and fair then most bible-thumping Christians is unfair and ignorant. There alot of us who are not bound by the old ideologies of our forefathers. I wish everyone's soul to be saved regardless of their sexual orientation usually those who make a bad name for groups in general account for a very small portion of the group.
Judging others only leads to more judgement.
Funny you should bring up God creating woman from man in Genesis 2, because in Genesis 1, God created man and women together, simultaneously. So yeah, God never contradicts Himself.

If God has such a problem with this, why are there scriptures welcoming Eunochs and the effeminate in to His kingdom?

And my statement did not miss the mark. In the thousands of pages of the Bible, and the hundreds of laws, rules and teachings do you really think if God had wanted it to be known that a man should not love another man, or a woman love another women, He would not have made it known? I just can't agree with that. Somehow, he found the time to tell us of so many evils, even took the time to tell us lustful homosexual sex was wrong, but He somehow thinks homosexual love is wrong but left that out?'s not a contradiction Feedz. The 2nd chapter is simply a more in depth explanation of the creation events. Thats all. They were not created at the same moment. The 2nd chapter states that clearly!
You're making this much more complicated than need be. God didn't leave it out. You are choosing to ignore it as many do. As CS Lewis wrote, "Its not the parts of the bible I don't understand that trouble me. It's the parts i do understand that I don't want to abide by that trouble me." Hence the problem. And I own that dilemma better than most I'd guess.

And here's a huge hang up for many. No one I know chooses to have homosexual desires. No more so anyway than someone chooses addictive desires or anger issues. But just because you have a desire for something doesn't make it right nor should you act on it. Thousands of examples can be provided. So the excuse that well God made me this way one, is a lie. God didn't 'make' you that way any more than He made me an adulterer or Strongbow a pedophile. Our sinful desires are born of our sin nature. I didn't have to teach my son to disobey me or throw tantrums. He did that quite naturally on his own. As his father I had to teach him the RIGHT way to behave. My point, obviously, just because you have a 'natural' desire for something doesn't put God's stamp of approval on it. Far from it. Especially as it stands against the clear teaching of God's Word.
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