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Bros help design a cycle eq and prop!


New member
Bros help me design a cycle i have 3 bottles of qv prop, 2 bottles of qv eq, 30 tabs(20 mg) of nolvadex, and liquidex on hand. My main goal is to lose body fat while maintaining muscle. Assuming that diet and cardio are already in check how would you run this? Thanks in advance
isnt that too low?

would that be enough prop? he would hardly be using any and as it has such a short halflife he would need to inject everycouple of days.

is it just me or would that not be worth doing?
I would run the prop 100mg EOD. This will kick start you until the EQ kicks in.. Then basically you will be running an EQ only cycle because your prop will only last 60 days at that dose.
whats ur stats bro, if you got a pretty low percentage of bf, like 12-15, you'll see some really good results. if you really wanna lean out, throw in a good eca stack or clen. here's what i would do

weeks 1-10or12 (or until u run out) prop
weeks 1-12 (i'm assuming u have 200mg/ml eq) 400mg eq
weeks 1-8 eca stack,maybe clen if u can get it
the last few weeks throw in some oral winny (just to avoid multiple pokes) that should tighten u up pretty good
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