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best oral

Beastdrol and Dbol are both great orals to use as a kickstart to a Test cycle, or a "blast and cruise" as it's referred to. Usually it's an oral that brings on some big gains rather quickly, and both of those will do that ;)
it depends on your goals all these drugs do different things.

anadrol is best for bulking
anavar is one of the best all around, good balance of size (though there isnt very much, 6 or 7lbs gained per cycle) strength and it will lean you out a bit too
winstrol is the best for cutting
halotestin is the best for strength and agression. if your in shit with people (like the mafia) and you know that later that day several dudes are gonna show up with loaded guns and baseball bats, take 50mg of halotestin. you will fight them all. lol
thanks bastard lol i wanted to stay away from the winstrol because of joint issues although i never thought about running a mild dose i might try that out... i'll prolly pick up the halotestin next cycle lol i like how that sounds i wonder how pissed i could get at some iron lol has any one ever taken T-bol or turinabol i heard it bulks like d-bol without the bloat
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blast and cruise. does not compute! you're either on or your off.
Rick is right on. I've heard great things about beast but I've never tried it.

I'm on 37.5mg of dbol right now. Started it 11 days ago, already feel it. My weight and strength has gone up :)

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