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ANy models / people who have ripped abs year round here?

Ok, I guess this is my area in expertise. I stay relatively lean all year around. And I still build muscle on top of it. My first cycle, I gained 11 pounds while still reducing my bodyfat even more. While most people would have gained more off of their first cycle, (mine was EQ and winstrol), I decided I would rather gain slowly and steadily and see the mirror reflect it rather than jumping on a scale and seeing numbers go up.

You can stay lean and build muscle. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. You have to stay on top of your diet 110%. I am lucky that I don't work often and I am at home most of the time, so it is easy for me. Also, you have to readjust and completely retailor your training programs. Because now with a lower amount of carbs and calories (needed to stay lean), you are greatly increasing your chance of overtraining. You simply MUST start writing a training and diet journal and refer to it day by day, week by week.

It can be done. But the chances of messing up and robbing yourself of any gains is pretty high.
Not bragging, but then again maybe I am....I'm naturally lean can hold 6% bf without even trying, however I have to fight like Mike Tyson to keep a little mass for right now at 8% bf I'm intaking 3800 cals a day, if I drop that just below 3200, I will drop weight like no tommorrow... and have to stay on top on my weight training to keep muscle size....go figure! Also I run from cardio that's like death to my weight gains!
I tend to stay around 8-10% bf all year around. The only cutter I did was for my show back in April, other than that, I stick with the test/deca...alot of it is what and HOW you eat, I never do cardio unless it's for precontest, I guess I'm lucky in a way...
AAP said:
Ok, I guess this is my area in expertise. I stay relatively lean all year around. And I still build muscle on top of it. My first cycle, I gained 11 pounds while still reducing my bodyfat even more. While most people would have gained more off of their first cycle, (mine was EQ and winstrol), I decided I would rather gain slowly and steadily and see the mirror reflect it rather than jumping on a scale and seeing numbers go up.

You can stay lean and build muscle. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. You have to stay on top of your diet 110%. I am lucky that I don't work often and I am at home most of the time, so it is easy for me. Also, you have to readjust and completely retailor your training programs. Because now with a lower amount of carbs and calories (needed to stay lean), you are greatly increasing your chance of overtraining. You simply MUST start writing a training and diet journal and refer to it day by day, week by week.

It can be done. But the chances of messing up and robbing yourself of any gains is pretty high.
I remember seeing pics of AAP while he was on his First Cycle(EQ & Winstrol). 600mgs of EQ a week & 50mgs of Winny ED, I believe. Man, the guy had spaghetti veins EVERYWHERE!!! Arms, forearms, back, legs & calves looked liked roadmaps!!! I was CRAZY!!!! :p
Squats powercleans and deads...explosive movements all you need to stay ripped, 90% of it is your diet! Wrtite Down what you eat and Your wokrout routine if you are gaining a few pounds by the end of the week, You have to find the balance that works for you. Gear wont hurt either
gotta agree on basketball being great cardio. It's kind of like doing plyos too. I'd much rather run after a ball then just freaking run, ya know?
I remember when my cutter ended I ate everything in sight. pizza, brownies, ice cream, tacos, etc. After 2 1/2 months of gorging my BF went from 4.5% to 8%. I sat back and laughed, I can't get fat if I tried.

Best cutting drugs primo and var.
Although I used Primo, test, and dbol and had no bloat and still stayed ripped.
Hmmm...I think for me alot of it has to do with genetics so I don't know how much help I can be. If you want to get shredded, tuna is your new best friend. At least it was for me. You can eat 8 cans of tuna a day, a couple protien shakes and some whole wheat bread and you'll be fucking diced. If you're looking for a cycle to make you dense and shredded then tren/winny/masteron is the ticket. If you're trying to put on some serious size then I'd go with test/winny/eq with a moderate dose of ana or letro, letro being better for staying dry but has more sides.
tboy72 said:
keep on the avavar al song as you want, just get blood test every few weeks for your liver and lipid values...if you dont drink they shouldnt go up, and if you have the cash for var you will looksick all year round....jsut kep checkin the liver...i ran var for a long time on my second cycle. and blood work was all normal! a few things slightly out of range but nothing at all to worrie about.

what were ur var doses and how low did ur HDL get? var gets my HDL down in the low teens pretty qik.
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