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Anadrol with test prop?


New member
I had a question about running testosterone propionate with an oral steroid like anadrol
my plan was doing 50 mg a day of the anadrol along with around 200 to 250 mg a week of the testosterone propionate
I'm looking to bulk up and get bigger. currently 5 ft 10 in and 180 lb
38 years old and this is going to be my third time using steroids. anything here you would change for my particular goals
everything looks good in terms of dosing.. just remember to not go over 6 weeks of anadrol... more than likely, you will only go four weeks on it but definitely no more than 6 weeks... be wise with the dosing because it can be quite harsh but extremely effective
anadrol 50mgs a day is all you need. don't even bother adding test to this unless you want a very hard to control mess of estrogen issues

anadrol binds to estrogen receptors and test aromatizes into estrogen. its very hard to control it when you stack both even with an AI!
I had a question about running testosterone propionate with an oral steroid like anadrol
my plan was doing 50 mg a day of the anadrol along with around 200 to 250 mg a week of the testosterone propionate
I'm looking to bulk up and get bigger. currently 5 ft 10 in and 180 lb
38 years old and this is going to be my third time using steroids. anything here you would change for my particular goals
if you use anadrol stack it with test enan not test prop imo
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