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advice needed pls


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Hey Hey i was going to be doing a 6 week cutting cycle

one rip 200 10ml x 2 which contains:

test Propionate 70mg
Drostanolone Propionate(Masteron) 65mg
tren Acetate 65mg

and i will shoot EOD , monday, wednesday, friday.

and also 80mg var ED.

Ive been on HGH for the last 3 months and lost lots of body fat already and i heard that doing gear with hgh is better. So would it be better to do a bulker cycle while on hgh, such as test E and deca? Would i be able to still be able to belean on a test and deca cycle if i eat clean and do cardio? I would take Arimdex throughout to stop the water rentention and N2 guard everyday.

Any help would be apreciated guys.
Whether your lean or not depends a lot more on your diet that the gear your on. Tailor your diet to your goals.
That's a very nice mix of stuff with GH, though! You should see some very nice lean gains with that. Again, will be what you eat... with those compounds you don't have to eat super clean. It also depends on your metabolism, etc. But you can get away with eating more with Tren, Mast, Test and especially GH. You should see some impressive results.

keep us posted
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