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Acts of service

This thread needs nudes.
nah, not for me. He's cute, but I promise, he is clingy and I want to avoid all that shit in my life

He looks like a greasy guy who hasn't learned that AI's are necessary when taking test.
Seriously?! Dude, BIO-HRT ASAP!!!

Shit, I missed exactly ONE period and started having hot flashes, I was on Bio-HRT within two months. My emotions were gone, I had ZERO, totally, absolutely ZERO libido and even if hubby pushed the issue, I literally felt nothing (as in, my body wouldn't respond, he'd be touching my boobs, he might as well have been touching my nose, it was the same level of eroticism). I couldn't have an orgasm and on top of everything, I was sore as hell for days after we did it.

BIOIDENTICAL HRT, that's the key difference. Not all doctors know how to do that or agree with that treatment protocol.

Know that it's not you, it's her hormones. She still cares for you but sex is ... weird. It's like being a kid again, like a 6 year old kid. The concept of sex becomes alien and kind of icky. If she's anywhere near where I was she's shut down, mildly depressed and who knows how gray her moods are but she does not feel like a sexy desirable woman, trust me on that. And NOTHING you can do will fix that. It's not psychological, it's physical.

BTW, the best way to find a doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones is to contact the nearest compounding pharmacy and ask THEM who calls prescriptions into them.

Great advice! So glad you are back MM! :)
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