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7 weeks in....bad sides.

Well you guys were right. About 5 weeks of being off, I cleared up for the most part. I seem to just get a bit here and there with a sweaty back, otherwise it's looking great. Thanks for the help.
Well, sorry to bring this back, but it's been since June and the only improvement I've seen is no chest acne. My back acne isn't AS BAD as it was but breaks out badly from week-to-week but my shoulders (from, sides, and back) are still covered. Back and shoulders range from small under the skin dots to whiteheads here and there. It seems relentless. Talked to a few friends and they mentioned anti-bacterial body wash (which I used and still used) doesn't seem to help. Used Platinum Labz Acne Annihilator (with their prescribed usage) and hasn't worked. I am in PA, so the warm weather is gone meaning my skin hasn't been sweaty or oily from hot weather since it's Nov now, but I just can't seem to break this backne and shoulder acne. It's getting to the point where it's bothering my personal confidence demeanor looking in the mirror. I know it sounds kinda homo, but I never had to deal with anything "ugly" like this that I couldn't fix.

Accutane man don't let everyone scare you from it . It will clear your whole body up . It doesn't happen over night it takes about 3 months to really see the effect and the first month you may have even more acne than before but once you get passed that initial break out its worth it!
PCT was HCG, Nolva, and Adex (during). My younger brother actually took Accutane and it worked for him, I just remember hearing about potential life threatening sides and him signing release form after form. Potential blindness, hairloss, sterilization, liver failure, heart palpitations........death.
PCT was HCG, Nolva, and Adex (during). My younger brother actually took Accutane and it worked for him, I just remember hearing about potential life threatening sides and him signing release form after form. Potential blindness, hairloss, sterilization, liver failure, heart palpitations........death.

Yeah....accutane works. But its really awful for yoour body.

HCG and Nolva is about the worst PCT I could think of. HCG is suppressive so it doesnt help you recover. Its supposed to be used PRe PCT for full nut size going into PCT.
Nolva is absolute shit and can cause blood clots no less and does nothing but block ALL estrogen. Some of which you need to balance your hormones. What happens with a big hormone imbalance??? Sides like fucking bad acne!

You had nothing in there to help you recover? Have you gotten bloods done? I would say your endocrine system is probably still out of whack.
I would run another PCT. Yes, even this far removed. A correct one.
also mega doses of B5 starting at a gram will help,adjust from there.
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