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7 weeks in....bad sides.


New member
8 weeks into my Test E cycle 500mg/wk etc etc

UNBELIEVABLE amount of acne breakout on the rear part of my delts, and covering my entire back. Not huge welts, little looking pimples. None come to whiteheads, all seem to be under the skin but it's certainly getting worse as I go. I'm supposed to be going for 12 weeks but thinking about cutting it to 10 just because of how bad this is getting.

Anyway to control the outbreak?
I had nothing else to control acne but I got a bit on cycle and used the Nizoral shampoo I was using on my scalp on my chest/shoulders and the pimples disappeared, try that?
8 weeks into my Test E cycle 500mg/wk etc etc

UNBELIEVABLE amount of acne breakout on the rear part of my delts, and covering my entire back. Not huge welts, little looking pimples. None come to whiteheads, all seem to be under the skin but it's certainly getting worse as I go. I'm supposed to be going for 12 weeks but thinking about cutting it to 10 just because of how bad this is getting.

Anyway to control the outbreak?

I really feel for you acne is horrible just make sure your showering twice a day and go on sun bed 2x week swimming would be good but I'm sure you wouldn't want to be showing your back off in the pool lol good luck.
Stick to pharm grade meds, go talk to your doctor about accutane. It is the best thing I have ever done for my skin no joke. I've been on it now for about 5 months and my skin has never been so clear
if you are prone to acne this is very common. luckily I am not so I cannot give you the best advice aside from lowering the dosage and getting on some NTBM acne products. they have several different choices to choose from. I would try them before going on accutane which can be pretty damn harsh.

if its getting out of control you should stop your cycle immediately as it will take about 5 weeks to clear out of your system. you don't want to get infections and have to go on anti-biotics if things start to get really bad.
I had the same thing about 2 years ago. The pimples seemed to start like little bumps under the skin. I did not lower my dosage and went ahead into the end of the cycle...the pimples all turned into big red ones all over my chest. I was completely covered until I finished the cycle and like Steve said it cleared my system. That was on Sustanon human grade, Ive been running prop for about 7 weeks and had little to no acne.
Thanks for the advice fellas. I'll try tanning and take an extra shower daily rather than just 1 normally. Also an astringent. As for adjusting my cycle or keeping it going, I'm still deciding. Not trying to go through the summer here on the east coast with my back looking how it does.
8 weeks into my Test E cycle 500mg/wk etc etc

UNBELIEVABLE amount of acne breakout on the rear part of my delts, and covering my entire back. Not huge welts, little looking pimples. None come to whiteheads, all seem to be under the skin but it's certainly getting worse as I go. I'm supposed to be going for 12 weeks but thinking about cutting it to 10 just because of how bad this is getting.

Anyway to control the outbreak?

We use acne annihialtor scrub by platinum labz,,,its always worked real for us.
It may also be time to hit PCT also.
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