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40 years old thinking about steroids.


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I been training since i was 16 and never had any steroids yet I'm 41 in a few months.

I'm now struggling with my recovery times. My strength is still there but not getting any better now my diet it pretty clean. I currently train about 3 or 4 times a week

I would would obviously like to improve my strength and recovery but i don't really no much about steroids or what to take. I am reading up on everything there is quite a lot to learn.

Any advice given would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I started aged 15 and didn't take my first roid until age 37 (53 now). 40/41 is perfect!!

The guys will be right along with the info but a Test E (for enthanate) cycle of 500mg a week etc ect would be a great 1st cycle. have a look at the stickies and articles too. Make sure you've AI and PCT covered too (search or, as before, check the articles etc).
It might be an idea to get your test levels checked before you hop on gear, it's good practice to get bloods done before and after a cycle, you may be a candidate for trt.
AI is an acronym for Aromatase Inhibitors. It prevents/reduces testosterone aromatising to estrogen while on cycle.

Ask the doctor for a a full spectrum blood test which covers cholesterol, iron, free testosterone and a whole lot more.

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I been reading loads of articles now very informative. Did know a little about AI now i just got brain over load now.

I live in the UK so i just go to my Dr and ask for these test. I have not got a Dr as such i just see different Dr every time i turn up and i can only get into Dr if i make emergency appointment that is the only way. I'll call my drs surgery see how i get on.

Big thanks to all the help from people on the forum.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I been reading loads of articles now very informative. Did know a little about AI now i just got brain over load now.

I live in the UK so i just go to my Dr and ask for these test. I have not got a Dr as such i just see different Dr every time i turn up and i can only get into Dr if i make emergency appointment that is the only way. I'll call my drs surgery see how i get on.

Big thanks to all the help from people on the forum.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

Check out this article on blood work for the steroid user ->

Check out this video I made on how to run a first steroid cycle ->

In this article series I explain how to do injections ->–-part-2-a-49351.html

Hope those links help!
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