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2nd Cycle Opinions


New member
For starters I am 27 years old, 5'10'', 185lbs, 12% bf. I did my first cycle about 8 months ago. I did 300mg of Deca/Test E for 10 weeks and got pretty good results as far as size and strength gains. For the my 2nd cycle I was thinking something like this.

Week 1-10 Test E 500mg/week
Week 1-10 Deca 400mg/week
Week 5-10 Winstrol 50mg eod.
PCT week 12-14 Clomid or Nolva.
Adex on hand in case of gyno.

What do you guys think? Comments/Suggestions/Advice.

Would I be good with just Clomid for PCT or should I use Nolva too, and what would be a good dosing schedule for that?
Mmmmmm i dunno

How about

Week 1 - 12 500mg Testosterone E
Week 4 - 10 250mg Deca

Get your diet perfect bro, or you will just waste your gear.
You dont need winny for your 2nd cycle . . . HCG ?
I want to put on about 15-20lbs but without the bloat. My diet is already pretty good and so is my cardio so I don't think winny would be a "waste of gear".
You should be able to achieve that with the Test/Deca alone if you keep your diet in check.

Winny isn't exactly suited for your goals.

To control the bloat, just make sure you drink plenty of water and take A-Dex to get rid of any estrogen related bloat.
Why do you advise against the winny? I was going to take it at the end of the cycle to look lean out and harden up.
You either want to bulk or cut. Stick to one and focus on it. Putting on 15-20lbs of LBM is not easy...I'd focus on bulking then cutting the fat.
You either want to bulk or cut. Stick to one and focus on it. Putting on 15-20lbs of LBM is not easy...I'd focus on bulking then cutting the fat.

Beat me to it.

You want to put on pounds so eat like a horse and push weight till you spew in the gym. Basically unleash the animal mate.

Get your cycle done do PCT then change your diet and up the cardio.

Post some pics up too
Why do you advise against the winny? I was going to take it at the end of the cycle to look lean out and harden up.

Here's your cycle:

wk 1-12: Test-E 500mg/wk
wk 1-10: Deca 400mg/wk
wk 11-14: Winny 50mg/day
wk 3-14: HCG 250IU 2X/wk
wk 15: Start PCT

You want to stop the deca 2 weeks before then test for better recovery so just replace it with the winny. Then carry the winny two weeks after the test to allow the long esters to work out of your system prior to PCT. Use HCG since this will be a long cycle.

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