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2007: The Year of the Badger

Lookin DAYUM good! LOVE the physique! Upper body & abs looking killer, legs great shape / sweeps, the last water dumping should reveal some great detail! And yea, lol Nice ass ;) Glutes I mean... !

Gonna throw out a couple thoughts on posing, but understand your pix are not necessarily your optimal poses, but some things to think about...

Side chest - possibly consider rotating from your waist a little more so its not so much of a side view and a little more of your chest. At a min see about squeezing in w/ your shoulder on the opposite side to get a litle bite more pec detail showing to the front.

Side tri - looks good - might suggest rollign your shoulder over just a little more so the arm is straight up & down. As w/ the side chest, you can rotate your whole body to show the whole line of judges.

Both side poses - it looks like you are sitting nicely into the front leg & getting hammies out there. Explore if you are flexing your calf to get as much detail as possible out of it. And flex your glutes - makes a big difference in showing distinct shapes from glute to ham sweep to calf. Just mentioning it because its an easy part to forget when you are busy focusing the arms & the ham / calf.
Rear poses - This is my personal opinion - I don't like the leg straight back - prefer it out to the side sort of like you are putting out a cigarette w/ the ball of your foot. Also it helps accentuate more of an X shape to balance your lats / delts / arms - you have the width up top to do that. I think you lose the chance to show off more detail in your calf & ham w/ a straight back leg.

Another option on the rear lat is go straight up on your toes -- this seems to be the specific front lat pose they are asking for at the national shows these days. But front or rear, it makes a nice X shape again, gives a chance to show off calves etc.

Again just some thoughts.

Overall looking very nice - love your upper body & abs.

PLEASE post at least 1-2 sets of progress pix while you are doing the deplete & load phases! Gonna be awesome & very dramatic to see the changes I think you will see!
Sassy69 said:
Lookin DAYUM good! LOVE the physique! Upper body & abs looking killer, legs great shape / sweeps, the last water dumping should reveal some great detail! And yea, lol Nice ass ;) Glutes I mean... !

Gonna throw out a couple thoughts on posing, but understand your pix are not necessarily your optimal poses, but some things to think about...

Side chest - possibly consider rotating from your waist a little more so its not so much of a side view and a little more of your chest. At a min see about squeezing in w/ your shoulder on the opposite side to get a litle bite more pec detail showing to the front.

Side tri - looks good - might suggest rollign your shoulder over just a little more so the arm is straight up & down. As w/ the side chest, you can rotate your whole body to show the whole line of judges.

Both side poses - it looks like you are sitting nicely into the front leg & getting hammies out there. Explore if you are flexing your calf to get as much detail as possible out of it. And flex your glutes - makes a big difference in showing distinct shapes from glute to ham sweep to calf. Just mentioning it because its an easy part to forget when you are busy focusing the arms & the ham / calf.
Rear poses - This is my personal opinion - I don't like the leg straight back - prefer it out to the side sort of like you are putting out a cigarette w/ the ball of your foot. Also it helps accentuate more of an X shape to balance your lats / delts / arms - you have the width up top to do that. I think you lose the chance to show off more detail in your calf & ham w/ a straight back leg.

Another option on the rear lat is go straight up on your toes -- this seems to be the specific front lat pose they are asking for at the national shows these days. But front or rear, it makes a nice X shape again, gives a chance to show off calves etc.

Again just some thoughts.

Overall looking very nice - love your upper body & abs.

PLEASE post at least 1-2 sets of progress pix while you are doing the deplete & load phases! Gonna be awesome & very dramatic to see the changes I think you will see!

Thank you Sassy! ;)

I think I've worked our the kinks on the side chest and tri poses. I'll play around with the leg position on the back poses tonight.

I'll get some pics up later in my NEW suit! ..since it finally arrived :rolleyes:
You look GREAT!! LOVE that bicep peak!! Looking forward to the updated pics in the new suit.....
Hey! Thanks everybody! :)

Pics taken this evening: 5 Days Out!
I didn't have time to mess with the suit, hence the lop-sided-ness :)

Sassy: Hopefully this round of posing is a little better. I played with the leg positioning in the back poses, and I do like the leg out more on the back double bi, but not on the lat spread. Thanks for your help!

We'll see what the carb/water manipulation brings......
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