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2 things that make me want to kill, this fine morning


New member
people who hold onto the treadmill as they walk/run. I hope you apply similar logic to the rest of your worldly endeavors. die.


dishwashers that don't really wash dishes. just kinda get em wet. great. thanks. similar to flyless underwear, you have managed to take the sole reason of your existence and assfuck it right into oblivion. also, die.
I don't like the traffic I'll probably be facing after this post. Particularly, when I've got my blinker on behind people who like to use the right on red lane when they're going straight. Oh and people who think it's acceptable to drive half the speed limit because it's snowing outside.
KillahBee said:
people who hold onto the treadmill as they walk/run. I hope you apply similar logic to the rest of your worldly endeavors. die.


dishwashers that don't really wash dishes. just kinda get em wet. great. thanks. similar to flyless underwear, you have managed to take the sole reason of your existence and assfuck it right into oblivion. also, die.

Man this morning there was a woman walking on the treadmill at about 1mph doing lunges. She was a larger hispanic lady. I was like hmm OK that's cool. Then she started walking with both hands on the side rails...side stepping. I was like wtf?
OUfan said:
Man this morning there was a woman walking on the treadmill at about 1mph doing lunges. She was a larger hispanic lady. I was like hmm OK that's cool. Then she started walking with both hands on the side rails...side stepping. I was like wtf?

Some highly comedic things happen back in the women's area of my gym. At times I sort of wish I had a video camera. There's one rather large black girl who gets her headphones in and does her own little routine that involves a lot of booty shakin', bouncing of shoulders, and gyrations. God bless her, she works up a sweat, but it is just so ridiculous looking.
I did not know this but- The fly on your jeans or whatever pants, is not the zipper, but the flap of cloth that covers it.
nefertiti said:
Some highly comedic things happen back in the women's area of my gym. At times I sort of wish I had a video camera. There's one rather large black girl who gets her headphones in and does her own little routine that involves a lot of booty shakin', bouncing of shoulders, and gyrations. God bless her, she works up a sweat, but it is just so ridiculous looking.

HAHAHAHA I have a nice mental image now! :p

But you know, it's still much nicer to see a huge person in the gym even if they are doing something funny than it is seeing them in the chinese buffet stuffing their face. They are trying, which is more than can be said for most people.
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