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  1. T

    check out my lean mass bulker

    looking to do a lean muscle mass bulker hoping you can give me some tips to get the most out of it I’m 5’10’’ and 188 pounds with 12% body fat my thoughts are with primo 500mgs a week gonna hit 15 weeks on it then using test with it. Curious about dosing the testosterone, should I go the low...
  2. C

    Tesamorelin advice on here is WRONG

    sorry but the tesamorelin advice I’m reading on here is flat out wrong. I just got home from the anti aging clinic and the guy there said to use it 2-3mgs a day and then ramp up the dose up to 5mgs. He is selling me 6 months worth for about 8K. He said it would work good for my fat loss and help...
  3. Z

    best sarms to cut down

    I’m looking to drop some weight I’m currently 238 pounds I would like to drop about 18 to 25 pounds. With like to get under 220 pounds. I’m five foot nine and I’m about 28% body fat what are the best sarms that I can use to cut down? Not looking to use gw501516, don’t like what I’ve read about...
  4. Z

    sarms for high volume training

    22 yrs old. 5’7’’ 190 pounds and 20% body fat. I’m looking to increase my volume and go extremely high volume over the next three weeks to shock my body. I will be doing 30 sets per muscle group and doing atleast 12-15 reps per set. I expect to need around 90+ minutes to complete a workout like...
  5. G

    Jacking up my testosterone dosing

    I’m currently doing 150 milligrams a week of testosterone and that’s my cruising dose I’m 45 years old and just looking to maintain at this point in my life to tell you a bit about me I have a moderate build I’m five foot 7...180 pounds and around 12% body fat my days of high volume in the gym...
  6. N

    Sermorelin for metabolism and body fat

    Really think I have a poor metabolism I have a hard time burning body fat no matter how hard I dye it and how hard I exercise also my muscles are very weak even though for my size at 260 pounds I should be much stronger looking to try sermorelin, seems like the perfect peptide for me. Should I...
  7. S

    1000mgs of primo per week ready for it

    I would like to use Primo this time in my main objective is to run a 1000 milligrams a week. Would like to build lean muscle mass not put on too much weight. I’m 218 pounds and I’m six foot three and my body fats around 16% so cutting down a little body fat would be fantastic as well. Any...
  8. B

    using pot and sarms together

    I know pot is horrible for me but I am sort of addicted lol. I think I’ll stop smoking later on but right now I want to focus on building some lean muscle mass. Would pot effect my gains on sarms or would I be wasting my time if I didn’t use it? I’m currently 5’11’’ and 210 pounds and 20% body...
  9. T

    trying sarms for first time ever

    I’m in my early 20’s. Looking to try sarms. Stats are 5’9’’ and 180 pounds and 13% body fat been training off and on since I was in my mid teens. Looking to get more strength and size GW, S4, Yk11 have peaked my interest based on what I read about them GW 20mgs, S4 50mgs and yk11 10mgs has been...
  10. K

    how to cut down on sarms

    I’m looking to make some changes to my physique which is why I am searching for sarms looking at doing GW for sure. But what else would work well? I’m 5’10’’ 218 pounds and 17% body fat I have good muscle mass but need to trim up from here. Any advice for me?
  11. R

    bigger dude steroid stack

    I’m a bigger dude and want to try steroids for the first time my stats are 6’2’’ 270 pounds. Body fat is around 20% seen a lot of my friends use them who were fatter then me which steroids would be safe for me to use at my size?
  12. L

    semaglutide help and advice

    need some advice when it comes to using semaglutide heard this stuff is really good for fat loss I’m 265 pounds and have not been leaner then 250 in my adult life always been a big dude and played football in high school how would you run semaglutide and how does it differ from using ozempic?
  13. K

    how to use lgd and GW

    I’m looking to stack some lgd and gw together lean gains and fat loss is my goal I’m training four times a week weight training and also I do some hiking on the weekends and some bicycling 190 pounds and five foot ten inches only question I have is what kind of dosages should I be doing
  14. F

    ostarine variations

    I’m a bit frustrated with the different variations of cycles that are recommended with ostarine I’ve seen anywhere from eight weeks up to 12 weeks and anywhere from 10 mg up to 50 milligrams and don’t get me started on PCT. Seems like some people say you need it and some people say you don’t I’m...
  15. JimAbs43

    Podcast 576 - Tesamorelin localized fat loss? 576 - Tesamorelin localized fat loss?
  16. X

    just want to look good! Sarms help please

    I’m hoping I can get some sarms help please give me the best options considering I look like crap right now 280 pounds, fat and out of shape can’t even run around my block without getting winded and throwing up its BAD guys lol I’m 24 years old. Not sure what happened. I was in good shape as a...
  17. J

    top 5 worst foods for us?

    What are the top five worst foods that we can be putting in our body if we want a body build my main objective over the next year is going to be the build good quality lean muscle mass while also dropping body fat just curious for everybody’s list of the worst foods for us
  18. Q

    my friend said to try sarms

    I’m 41 years old 5 ft 11 in 195 lbs and 17 percent body fat my friend said I had a good body and good potential but he recommended that I get on sarm to take things to the next level my main objective is more muscle less fat and better recovery he suggested I try s23, s4 and gw together he...
  19. C

    GW 5 mgs a day only

    a friend of mine said he did five milligrams of g.w. for one straight year and he said that it really helped him with his endurance and body fat not sure what kind of Health ramifications he had to deal with or anything like that I’m currently 260 pounds and I am 5 foot 10 inches. Been trying to...
  20. K

    Best way to get into shape with supps

    What are the supplements to get me into great shape? I’m searching for several different products including ones that i can buy online or in person I have a vitamin store walking distance from my place. My main objective is fat loss so a fat burner is a must for me. I also would like something...
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