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  1. D

    Sarms tighter body

    I’m looking to get tighter for pride month and we are doing a party this weekend Hopefully will see you guys there What sarms would work best? I would like to be the most ripped dude at the pool party I’m currently 22 years old, i have ran anavar before 125mgs a day, strained my liver a lot...
  2. N

    Should i change my steroid idea as a woman?

    Hello and greetings F, 25y, 5’10’’, 150lbs Looking to do what most women out there want to do. Lose weight! I’m looking at several options. Cardarine, ostarine, sr9009, anavar, winstrol, and oral primobolan I've done my research and decided to go with anavar and cardarine Do you think this is a...
  3. U

    Double sarms options

    If i wanted to run a double sarms stack back/to/back Meaning 4 weeks 2 sarms, then 4 weeks different sarms just to keep my body guessing and things clicking along. what would you think about that? So rad140 + lgd4033 4 weeks Then doing gw cardarine and sr9009 4 weeks to cut back down anyone try...
  4. R

    What can i goal set for ostarine?

    I have pretty modest stats I'm 170 lb and 14% body looking to do a mini re-composition. hopefully get up to 175 lb and keep my body fat at the same number or lower My plan is ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day for 8 weeks,and then doing cardarine gw for pct for 4 weeks in terms of my goals should I...
  5. T

    2 sarms to use with testosterone

    I’m cruising on testosterone for the year at 250mgs a week Looking to add 2 sarms to help with fat loss and lean muscle gains without adding to side effects Also something that will help with water retention would be good too. I want that arnold look A friend suggested i go with cardarine and...
  6. D

    Question about my GW and MK2866 cycle female

    I have been doing ostarine mk and gw cardarine for the past few weeks ahead of a vacation but recently got injured. I had to stop everything for a couple weeks until I got better. now I'm looking to start it up again should I just continue using both of those or should I add in anavar to ‘catch...
  7. K

    Got a question on ECA and sarms together

    I'm looking for anyone with experience using both sarms with the ECA stack It is going to be: Ephedrine Caffeine Aspirin And then with sarms using gw cardarine 20mgs a day with s23 I’m 33 years old. 6’1’’ and 243 pounds with 25% body fat Goals are fat loss but I'll also be cool with losing some...
  8. N

    Adding RAD/GW to TRT

    47 years old and been on testosterone replacement therapy since I was about 39 or 40 I'm currently 6'1 255 lb and my testosterone dose is close to 200 a week. I'm looking to add sarms to this GW cardarine and rad140 seem like the best options for me Would GW 20mgs a day and rad 10mgs a day be...
  9. Q

    best 3 sarm stack for nudity onlyfans

    I’m making some good money being a nude model believe it or not online, I work mostly onlyfans but have other channels too I’m 6’1’’ 183 pounds and 23 years old I want to get more ripped, people are into that lol. Want the zyzz look the 3 sarms I thought would work well are gw cardarine, rad140...
  10. W

    Using sarms most efficiently

    I’ve got 2 bottles of gw cardarine 3 bottles of rad140 2 bottles of ostarine mk2866 My plan so far is gonna be to improve in the weight room. I have not touched a weight in a year. Took time off for injuries, and just had to find the right gym after moving Currently 160 pounds or so and 5’6’’...
  11. G

    Recomping with sarms finally

    I keep saying that I'm going to do this but I never get around to it. I know recomping is very hard. I’ve always just cut or bulked, never recomped both I’m gonna go for it with sarms. I'm currently 6'1 212 lb and around 18 to 19% body fat I've got decent muscle on my frame but nothing too...
  12. M

    Side effects to watch out for on sarms

    I got my sarms from enhanced athletes and I've been on it for a few weeks dealing with some weird side effects I wanted to throw your way first off my skin is getting some weird allergies. I haven't been able to link any type of food that's causing it or anything new like a cat or a dog or...
  13. P

    Bigger by the day sarms run

    I'm going to follow the bigger by the day sarms recommendation. Tired of being small and skinny I’m only 140 pounds and i am 6’1’’ tall and 23 years old Its gonna be a big cycle 50mgs a day lgd4033 40mgs a day s23 50mgs a day cardarine gw Its gonna be a 25 week cycle I’m following the joe weider...
  14. A

    Physique adjustments with sarms?

    I currently weigh around 105 kilos I'm definitely looking to cut down and get leaner. but more importantly I would like to improve my physique overall my body fat is probably around 25 or 26% according to my trainer he refuses to allow me to use any sort of PED, but i want to use sarms. He says...
  15. W

    Time for major fat loss sarms and 21 years old

    I'm tired of being overweight I can't even see my penis when I go to the bathroom at the stage. I have a huge gut I'm 285 lb and I am 5'11. I think I should at least lose 40 lb and do it for my health so I can raise my children and watch them grow up Cardarine gw501516 20mgs a day is the best...
  16. J

    How about sarms for meatheads?

    The only people i see using sarms lately are skinny dweebs What about using sarms for meatheads? The hell with it, I will step up the plate and do it myself to test this crap out I’m currently 265 pounds, 6’2’’ and 48 years old. I’m also a biker and part of a club. Don’t look at us sideways...
  17. YouMirinBrah?

    Approved Log My GW Cycle Log

    Goals: decrease bodyfat hopefully to >15% maintain existing muscle mass Diet: 2000 calories 180g protein 53.4g fat 197g carbs 1gal water Breakfast: 1 Choc premier protein shake 1 Banana Snack: 1 kiwi 1 cup blueberries Lunch: 8oz chicken breast 2 cup mixed greens 0.5 cups cherry tomatoes 0.5...
  18. Y

    Need sarms help please

    I ordered 3 types of sarms based on research i did but now the more i read the more it seems i am not doing things right Got some rad140, mk677 nutrobal and cardarine gw My plan was to use 10mgs of the RAD, 25mgs of the nutrobal and 20mgs of the GW for 16 weeks But now i am seeing you have to...
  19. N

    Non sarms products to use

    22 years old 5’8’’ 170 pounds I'm learning a lot about sarms and saw that there are 2 non sarms products sold as sarms They are mk677 nutrobal and cardarine gw501516 they both have really good reviews. I decided to start a cycle with both of them doing 20 mg of each for 4 weeks. I haven’t had...
  20. T

    Sarms gw and andarine ?

    I’m a crossfit athlete who is mixing in weight training too My weakness right now is endurance and my strength is good I need help everywhere in between that. I don't want to put on body fat or water retention which is why I want to use sarms instead of steroids. I'm 28 years old and I am 5'6...
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