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all about SARMS/my journal

so u dont think its a good tool in putting on lean mass?
should i maybe wait whit my sarms till my cycle is over in october and run it as a bridge?
so u dont think its a good tool in putting on lean mass?
should i maybe wait whit my sarms till my cycle is over in october and run it as a bridge?

Thats up to you, what it does is give you a complete body composition,leaning you out making the muscles look fuller,its primaty effect is on skeletial Muscle tissue
so u dont think its a good tool in putting on lean mass?
should i maybe wait whit my sarms till my cycle is over in october and run it as a bridge?
All I know is both times I ran it, it recomped no matter what I did. Now a recomp does mean you are replacing muscle with fat, as I'm staying the same weight while dropping bf%. But it's not drastic. And this time I am running 4500 calories and still recomping at 204lbs, which is crazy. I just had caliper work and am almost below 8%, so I'm down another .5% bf in two weeks....on 4500 calories. The other thing is I can EAT while on it - though it's weird. I get full, but still feel hungry. I have to stop myself or I'll make myself stuffed. But it enables me to eat every 2 hors with NO PROBLEM!

Sarms would make for a goo bridge, a good "active recover" and a good summer run! I wonder if it could impart it's fat burning properties during a traditional builking cycle to help prevent alot of fat stored...hmmm...

So maybe it could be part of a bulker, but itself it will not bulk at all.
Radar, I started reading the first 8 pages but I can't bring myself to read this entire thread due to its length. I am curious if it helped you maintain your gains and whether your hearing is still better than it used to be? Also, no vidion sides, right? I had lasik a few months ago so I don't know how it would affect me
Radr and anyone else, I know you said earlier that it made your joints feel better...So how long did this last? Did your joints still feel good while off SARMS? Do you think you were off long enough to make a difference in the joints?

All I know is both times I ran it, it recomped no matter what I did. Now a recomp does mean you are replacing muscle with fat, as I'm staying the same weight while dropping bf%. But it's not drastic. And this time I am running 4500 calories and still recomping at 204lbs, which is crazy. I just had caliper work and am almost below 8%, so I'm down another .5% bf in two weeks....on 4500 calories. The other thing is I can EAT while on it - though it's weird. I get full, but still feel hungry. I have to stop myself or I'll make myself stuffed. But it enables me to eat every 2 hors with NO PROBLEM!

Sarms would make for a goo bridge, a good "active recover" and a good summer run! I wonder if it could impart it's fat burning properties during a traditional builking cycle to help prevent alot of fat stored...hmmm...

So maybe it could be part of a bulker, but itself it will not bulk at all.

I agree
Radar, I started reading the first 8 pages but I can't bring myself to read this entire thread due to its length. I am curious if it helped you maintain your gains and whether your hearing is still better than it used to be? Also, no vidion sides, right? I had lasik a few months ago so I don't know how it would affect me

If my hearing is still good i can't tell because my body has adapted to it ,so i guess you could say it's no worse.My first Run ,some of my aches came back,The worst ones.The second run they are gone again,running a 3rd run now and no aches,we will see what happens this time.
I run it at 50mgs Every day until i start getting some vision sides then run it At 30mg 5 days on 2 off!I'll slowly work up to 50mg at this dosage.
If you had lastik ,i would start with 20 and slowly work your way up.
Radr and anyone else, I know you said earlier that it made your joints feel better...So how long did this last? Did your joints still feel good while off SARMS? Do you think you were off long enough to make a difference in the joints?


They seem to last longer the second time i ran it,running a 3rd now ,so resuls are out right now,but at the moment no joint pain.
All I know is both times I ran it, it recomped no matter what I did. Now a recomp does mean you are replacing muscle with fat, as I'm staying the same weight while dropping bf%. But it's not drastic. And this time I am running 4500 calories and still recomping at 204lbs, which is crazy. I just had caliper work and am almost below 8%, so I'm down another .5% bf in two weeks....on 4500 calories. The other thing is I can EAT while on it - though it's weird. I get full, but still feel hungry. I have to stop myself or I'll make myself stuffed. But it enables me to eat every 2 hors with NO PROBLEM!

Sarms would make for a goo bridge, a good "active recover" and a good summer run! I wonder if it could impart it's fat burning properties during a traditional builking cycle to help prevent alot of fat stored...hmmm...

So maybe it could be part of a bulker, but itself it will not bulk at all.
My results exactcally
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