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Winstrol Stanozolol Doage For Body Fat Reduction


New member
My buddy just gave me a 50 mg of Stanozolol. I've never used it before and am trying to cut quality weight (bodyfat) for an upcoming mma fight in a couple of months. I'm currently taking Fina to help maintain quality muscle while reducing BF% and getting great results already. Will lower doses of Winstrol (10 mg per week for 5 weeks) be enough to help facilitate body fat reduction or would it be too low of a dose to make be significant contribution? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


- Magus
My buddy just gave me a 50 mg of Stanozolol. I've never used it before and am trying to cut quality weight (bodyfat) for an upcoming mma fight in a couple of months. I'm currently taking Fina to help maintain quality muscle while reducing BF% and getting great results already. Will lower doses of Winstrol (10 mg per week for 5 weeks) be enough to help facilitate body fat reduction or would it be too low of a dose to make be significant contribution? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


- Magus

Too low. And even at an effective dosage, bodyfat loss will be minimal. You'll do better just cutting calories.
Winstrol does not contribute to body fat reduction.

Instead of looking at it that way, view it like you are doing the fina. You are using it to maintain the muscle you have and keep your body in a positive anabolic environment while reducing bodyfat.

The best way to strip fat is to hit up a keto type diet and focus on german volume training or a HIT style workout routine that will also help you with explosive power and speed.
assuming you are eating well and training that should be enough to keep you shredded. If you are sanctioned you will be getting drug tested and even though winny is water based you can get caught with it. Just look at tim sylvia who did it just to look better and he was caught using winny.
there is no performance enhancing benefits imo and it can hinder training by draining synovial fluid from your joints like knees, wrists and shoulders which could really damper training.
I wasn't impressed with the fat-burning properties of winstrol on a maintenance diet.

Primo combined with a low dose of test is more effective for me on the same caloric intake.

I've spent the majority of 3 years volume training, now it's time to try this german volume training.

10 sets of 10 here I come!!

The pump must be phenom on this shit.
I did German Volume training 12 years ago. You will just overtrain. Especially if dieting. Forget it.

For winstrol 30 mgs/day is the minimum dosage I would recommend for a male while dieting. Anything less is pointless.
My buddy just gave me a 50 mg of Stanozolol. I've never used it before and am trying to cut quality weight (bodyfat) for an upcoming mma fight in a couple of months. I'm currently taking Fina to help maintain quality muscle while reducing BF% and getting great results already. Will lower doses of Winstrol (10 mg per week for 5 weeks) be enough to help facilitate body fat reduction or would it be too low of a dose to make be significant contribution? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


- Magus

Most men need at least 50mg per day and some even 100mg. DIET is the most critical party of your fat loss. Winstrol will simply assist you in getting there.
I also did GVT and it was great as hell.

Even my stubborn bodypart grew well after the deload. I dunno if it is gonna work for you but whenever you will like cumulative-crap lol do 4 sets of 10 I would say
Swole , I think you have a special gene in your body. For that reason you have what we call primobolan receptors in ur body. It binds 444 times stronger than tren and works wonders for u

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