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MK677 & CJC w/dac LOG!!

awesome log! Im following.
I am a thinking of doing something similar in the future. I have always been interested and researching MK677 since a couple years ago, now more real world exp is being seen as the popularity has blown on on these compounds, and for good reason.
Excited to see this log out! Good luck!

how often are you pinning the peps? 2-3x a week? i have done 1x and 2x a week and liked 2x a week more, was cjc1295 along with ghrp2 but ghrp dosed 3x a day. very similar to your run, cept i only used MK 1 time couple years back as i was given some, but 2 months alone was not the biggest time span and i could have stacked it. i did notice some gains, bloat and deeper sleep though.

how long do you plan to run these?
Following as well. I'm a month in to my mk run and have noticed quite a bit of water retention, I may back off to 20mg/day, not sure yet.
awesome log! Im following.
I am a thinking of doing something similar in the future. I have always been interested and researching MK677 since a couple years ago, now more real world exp is being seen as the popularity has blown on on these compounds, and for good reason.
Excited to see this log out! Good luck!

how often are you pinning the peps? 2-3x a week? i have done 1x and 2x a week and liked 2x a week more, was cjc1295 along with ghrp2 but ghrp dosed 3x a day. very similar to your run, cept i only used MK 1 time couple years back as i was given some, but 2 months alone was not the biggest time span and i could have stacked it. i did notice some gains, bloat and deeper sleep though.

how long do you plan to run these?

Im pinning E3D.
I plan on going 12 weeks and evaluating. If its going well I will do at least another 12 weeks.
Thanks for following!
Following as well. I'm a month in to my mk run and have noticed quite a bit of water retention, I may back off to 20mg/day, not sure yet.

Thanks for following!
I am going to try something. Im going to add in low dose daily aspirin. I dont think the bloat is from the amount of gH mk is inducing. From having run plenty of gh and knowing how much it takes too illicit the amount of bloat users are reporting I strongly believe that the bloat with mk would be due to ghrellins effect on vasopressin. As aspirin can reduce the effects of vasopressin after my diet stabilizes and if I am still retaining more water than I feel I should be I am going to incorporate the aspirin therapy.
Maybe you can try that if a drop in dosage doesnt do anything (i honestly dont thing a 5mg/day drop will but you never know!)
Chime in here whenever, Id love to compare thoughts.
I'm actually running 30mg. I bought it in 10mg pills. I thought maybe the bloat was from cortisol. I'll have to look into what you said.
Well so far so good. I think I can say a few preliminary things as far as this stack goes and also I am making a dosing change in my cjc.
I was running cjc w/dac at 250-300mcg E3D. I have decided to up this to 500mcg E3D effective immediately. I just feel that the increase will put me right in the sweet spot or at least the low end of the sweet spot as far as CJC w/DAC dosing goes.
As far as effects with my diet having been cleaned up for a bit now I will say the water retention is diminishing.
My sleep has been excellent. To the point that it has consistently been so to the point that I can attribute this to the peptide stack as normally great sleep is not something I regularly experience.
My appetite is up. Now they say this compound doesnt cause this but for me I def notice aa slight inrease in appetite. Not so much quantity of food when I eat but thee frequency with which I get hungry has increased. It is or would be far from an issue when cutting, I am not ravenous but def hungry quite often.
I fel pretty good. A combo of things I am sure, good sleep and the gh effects of this stack. My mood is very good.
All in all I am starting to expereince what I would on a low dose GH protcol but I am not going to kid myself or anyone following I cannot yet say anything aas far as physical effects or benefits. This is not of concern to me nor is it disconcerting at all. I know how these peptides (and even real GH) work. They take time.
My preliminary thought is that the stack is on track to be doing what I had hoped, increasing my GH (and igf) to therapeutic levels. What that will translate to as far as results can only be told by time so I will keep plugging along and pay close attention to the way , I look, feel and physically progress in addition to gather hard data in the form of numbers and we will see how this mk677/cjc w/dac stack ultimately shakes out.
Thanks for following guys!
Interesting post on aspirin. I'll have to give that a go. I've only been on 25mgs a day for four days and the bloat is crazy!! I just ordered some Clen & Keto to combat it. I'm also gona drop down to 12.5 mgs. I have some cjc w/dac, but probably wont run that till I get this bloat under control. Also, has anyone used Superiorpeps? they are like half the price of RUI!!
Interesting post on aspirin. I'll have to give that a go. I've only been on 25mgs a day for four days and the bloat is crazy!! I just ordered some Clen & Keto to combat it. I'm also gona drop down to 12.5 mgs. I have some cjc w/dac, but probably wont run that till I get this bloat under control. Also, has anyone used Superiorpeps? they are like half the price of RUI!!

I dont care at all about price I care about quality and you cant touch rui's quality. You got me thinking though so I checked and RUI is around $20 less for mk man! THATS amazing cause I know their products are hands down the best quality you can get but they are usually more expensive than alot of places but in this case not only are they better they are cheaper too!!
I don't mind the price either and they're not that bad. Just checking .. I appreciate the reassurance of their product! I've only bought from them. What do you think about running Clen"buterol with MK-677 for the bloat?
I don't mind the price either and they're not that bad. Just checking .. I appreciate the reassurance of their product! I've only bought from them. What do you think about running Clen"buterol with MK-677 for the bloat?

I dont think clen will do anything for the bloat. The bloat is Vasopressin induced. Try low dose daily aspirin to get rid of the bloat.
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