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yes another newbie 1st cycle need advice


New member
So ive just started injectable dbol, im 1 week in taking 25mg a day...

Ive decided I want to take equipose instead, cause I prefer to build lean muscle and hear its alot easier to keep your gains. This might workout, as I hear dbol is a good kickstart?

So ill do 2 more weeks and finish my dbol then start equipose, it will look like this...

Wk 1-3 - dbol @ 25mg/day
Wk 3-17- equipose @ 600mg/wk ( maybe with 3 injections a week?)
Wk 19-23 - PCT on clomid and nolva

My questions.... alot of people run test on equipose... is that nessecary?
Do I need to take arimidex? Cause I hear the chances of growing man tits are very low

My stats... im 23. 6'2. 80kg and 10 %

Thanks for reading... any help is much appreciated
You really shouldn't be looking into gear with those stats... 80kg is very light for someone 6'2, even at 10%.
A little early to be cycling in my opinion but you already started obviously, without doing much research.

You should have started EQ from the beginning if you were going to run it. Its not a good choice for a first cycle because you have to run it so long to see the benefits. Test only with an oral kickstart makes better sense to me. No matter what you do, you should have an AI because you dont know how you will respond

Your PCT is not sufficient at all, and not good for recovery

Here is my recommendation for the best PCT.

Liquid Clomid 50/50/25/25 (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Formastanozol 5 pumps twice daily (MR Supps)
Test Stack 17 or PHYTOSERMS (see link below for info and discounts)
Ostarine 25mg per day (SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators)
Youve already started cycle and your just asking these questions now?!?!
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