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work out cycling


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I love cross fit, and I love how it makes me a better soldier. My biggest issue it it doesn't allow me to grow or get bigger.
I want to mix in traditional lifting to add size. Does anybody have any suggestions of how to alternate the 2 work out styles ? I'll like to maintain some fitness from the cross-fit, I don't mind slow gains.
arg that is what I'm trying to figure out too...I love lifting for strength but am planning on going in the army either rotc or enlisted and need to worko n my pu and su endurance plus running. I'm thinking crossfit in mornings, heavy lifting at night if you have the time....
Tblock's hit the nail on the head. When I was in ROTC I did all my cardio workouts in the morning (mandatory anyway) and all the weight lifting in the evening. It was a real pain in the a$$ working out for hours every day, especially since the mass gains were slow because of all the running. It's the only way I was able to do both though.
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i think there you'll get guys in the same boat as you. this site is bodybuilding and getting big only.
Priorities. If u wana get big your gona have to do heavy lifting.
Dont let crossfit interfere with that. maybe you should do heavylifting on certain days and crossfit on other days. theres plenty of big football players at all levels the do lots of both running and lifting. I think nutrition and sleep would be most important in taking on this much. Maybe nutrition is the wrong word, how about sufficent calories,lol.
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