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Who's glad/regrets they started using aas before their natural limit ?

Thanks needsize, I know I can put on a lot more size naturally, I just don't know what I am doing wrong...It hasn't been that long since I got my diet in order and it could still be improved, I have put on 8lbs in about 6 weeks so the gains are coming. What are the best ratios when bulking 40p/40c/20f or 30/50/20 or maybe 30/30/30 ???
Too be honest I dont really worry about ratios, I just take in protein every 2 1/2 hours, and aim for 1 1/2 grams per pound of bodyweight.
8lbs in 6 weeks is good so I doubt you are doing anything wrong
I waited until 27 to do it. I had about 8 years of Naturla Training under my belt. Was able to get to 230lbs, 6'3" tall with 11% BF. After 2 cycles I am now 250 lbs at 11.7% BF. I am glad I waited. I am more financially and mentall prepared to handle everything that goes with AS. People tend to forget that food costs more than the drugs and most 19 or 20 year olds can't make the committment to the diet requirements because of this. Also I am more mature now and able to handle the mood changes. I don't know if I could have at 20.

To each his own though,,,, this is just me
Are you an ecyomorph needsize and what's your training routine like ? I am currently doing low volume training twice a week and it seems to be working ok but always looking for new ideas. Thanks for the post bro gave me a lot to think about, karma for you.
Hey bro, Needsize gave you some great advice, he looks like a lower level pro yet he's only done a few cycles.

Twice a week? That's not gonna cut it IMO. The best advice I can give you is to read everything you can...don't waste your time on AS, focus your research on training and diet...Flex magazine is a decent everything you can and become an expert on every type of training...experiment with all of them and see which one works for you best
Are you an ecyomorph needsize and what's your training routine like ? I am currently doing low volume training twice a week and it seems to be working ok but always looking for new ideas. Thanks for the post bro gave me a lot to think about, karma for you.

If you havn't already, you should check out needsize's 5x5 thread on the training board, great routine.
One should wait until they are knowledgable enough about training and nutrition, and financially and emotionally mature enough, to get the most out of their cycle. Even then cycling is a whole new ballgame and learning how you respond and recover will be a whole new dimension to your knowledge. So while the first cycles can be some of the best, still it may take a few cycles and recoveries under your belt to really arrive, and avoid the yo-yo effect. So it really does not matter if you are at your genetic potential or not. If you have been plateaud for a period of years and your approach is solid, and you are committed enough, then you are ready. Actually AAS can be of great benefit to helping one achieve their potential. After roughly achieving ones potential then it becomes a matter of yo-yo'ing up and down above your potential trying to achieve a higher setpoint. Those that need to sport a physique beyond their genetic potential will likely end up being on more than they are off. Risk management then becomes critical if this is long-term harmful or not. Also when one gets older, since HPTA recovery may become more challenging, and hormone levels will not be as high anyway, people drift toward being on more or less fulltime, as HRT. At that point, hopefully this will enable them to operate well above their natural limit in regards to what would be natural for their age.

So for starters it does not really matter if you are at your limit or not. But if you cannot get to your limit and somewhat beyond with AAS then you are really in the wrong game. Once you go the AAS route, you need to think carefully about your long-term goals and what level it will take to keep you satisfied.
Thanks strangebrew I'm thinking of trying the 5x5 routine after my gains stop coming on this routine I'm on. I don't think I'll be following the 15-20sets per bodypart routines in Flex Bigandy cos I'd overtrain in no time and so will you if you follow them. I know twice a week sounds like I'm being lazy but I'm following Stuart McRobert's advice from Beyond Brawn and been gaining ok on it so far bro.

i agree with you about the twice a week thing. Actually, at the point where I am now, if I train "intensly" twice a week it is to much. I think it's like Arnold said, how the harder you train, the more rest you'll need.

I'm a natural ectomorph. I gain weight on 4200 cal per day and about two workouts per week. So, I think everyone has different needs.

Thannks for your much appreciated reply triple, and jacshelb what's your stats and diet like in terms or p/c/f ?
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