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who has had success with a deca only cycle....

enthenate and deca

im about to do a 6 week cycle of norandren 200 by brovel and enthanate 200 by tournell. What should my dosages be for both or can I do the deca alone without the Test. I only have 6 weeks until spring break
deca question

im about to do a 6 week cycle of norandren 200 and test enthenate 200 both at 400 mgs a week. Can I use the deca alone or should put in the test. Im not looking to get huge but I do wanna get some nice gains and size. I already got some clomid.
waterboy said:
Deca is a great drug but for a first time cycle I would keep things simple just ethier 400mg of deca for 10 weeks or 500 mg of sust for ten weeks ...then 2nd cycle stack them both at the same dose
Question, if im only running about 200mg /wk foraround 10 weeks at 21 years of age for my first cycle to ease back pain. do u think nolvadex or someohter sort of pct like 6 oxo extreme is necessary?
zeplin7464 said:
Question, if im only running about 200mg /wk foraround 10 weeks at 21 years of age for my first cycle to ease back pain. do u think nolvadex or someohter sort of pct like 6 oxo extreme is necessary?

You realize this mindless thread is 6 yrs old?
It works well, but it takes several weeks to kick in. You should front load with NPP (fast acting nandrolone).
As far as the sexual effects, they are true. So, if you need to maintain your libido, you should take 100mg per week of test prop or take 250mg per week of sustanon or enanthate.
All I use to do is deca only and winny only cycles. I use to love deca great gains no bloot. I all so got my wife pregnant on deca I was doing 400mg a week on about 6 or 7 month.This was before age 25 when you have test levels of steel. I wouldn't do that shit now with out test.
Iron man said:
All I use to do is deca only and winny only cycles. I use to love deca great gains no bloot. I all so got my wife pregnant on deca I was doing 400mg a week on about 6 or 7 month.This was before age 25 when you have test levels of steel. I wouldn't do that shit now with out test.
I did winny only cycle also and liked it. It was Denkall 6mg caps. (48mg per day 24mg in am and 24 mg in pm. winny only).
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