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whats so great about xanax

I wouldn't take any benzo's. You guys are setting your selves up for disaster. I have posted numerous times on the subject. Read Toxic psychology by Dr Peter Breggin. That stuff does long term damage.

Can't say it enough....

5 months of studies on about 240 people. Thats all the FDA approval that was done for Xanax. After that time, a placebo proved more effective. Educate yourself...don't listen to modern western medicine when it comes to mental health. Seek a solution (good therapy) and not a band-aid.

Good luck on upping the script to 1mg. You already sound like your starting to get addicted!! Sounded jsut like me when I first met xnaax. "I dont find them to be addictive They jstu make me feel back to normal again" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I love it....
yeah bigmoose!

i took a half of a xanax once just to see what the deal was...let me just tell you that i turned into a puddle of nothing then passed out like a champ----
FullCircle said:
I wouldn't take any benzo's. You guys are setting your selves up for disaster. I have posted numerous times on the subject. Read Toxic psychology by Dr Peter Breggin. That stuff does long term damage.

Can't say it enough....

5 months of studies on about 240 people. Thats all the FDA approval that was done for Xanax. After that time, a placebo proved more effective. Educate yourself...don't listen to modern western medicine when it comes to mental health. Seek a solution (good therapy) and not a band-aid.


I would agree. I fucked around with medications for a long long time. I've since gotten rid of all of them and I feel better than I did before I had any problems with anxiety. The last stuff I took was St. John's Wort and that was a few months ago. It was a huge personal battle to not be chemically dependant on shit for sleep and to just be normal. Tried elavil, xanax, paxil, zoloft...all a bunch of shit. It's all about getting your head in the right place and trusting in God.

I have been taking Xanax for 10 years, my anxiety is much worst in the AM and subsides as the day progresses, also it increases with caffenee.

currently I take 2.5- 3mg daily, sometimes with enderal.

for sleep I use to take Trazadone, nothing, NOTHING, works better and it takes awhile to build up a resistence.

Xanax only affects anxiety, you can not get high, and you can quickly develop a tolerance so it will not help you sleep.

On a different substance, I have found Prozac helps me sleep, so go figure. I have been staying away from Trazadone, and cutting my caffeene simply to many substances in my system.

I have a constant itching, just in my arms, have no idea what from? It is not gear related, I think it may be realted to the balance of xanax caffenee and prozac in my system?

Drives me nuts, I itch and scratch until my arms bleed.
Hard as rocks, I know how you feel I have to take 100 mgs of trazodone and a 1/4 of a valium or i will not sleep at all period. I notice if I start taking more valium it takes more to put me to sleep or it drags on through the next day and makes it hard to work out without feeling like i've been druged.
Xanax Uses

Xanax is a benzo like Valium or Ativan. Its main use is for situational anxiety - i.e. did too much coke, giving a presentation in front of the class, etc.. The reason for this is that it is the fastest acting common benzo. Chew it up and it'll hit you in 15 minutes, so it's good in a pinch. It's also real nice for Xenadrine jitters or nervousness from similar fat burning supplements.

If your problem is generalized anxiety (not stemming from any particular cause) then something like Klonopin might suit you better.


There is nothing good about xanax. I say this because I used to abuse them. They have put me into a comma for 3 days before. I am so glad that part of my life is over with. I do however believe I have perment damage from them. Of course, I am not talking about taking 1-2mg daily. I am talking about eating 11mg (yes 11 purple footballs) in a period of 8-10hours and drinking liquor VERY heavily. Yes I almost died.

You can hold your liquor fucking amazing on xanax. Drink like a fish I tell you. Won't remember a god damn thing (even at a reasonable dose of 3mg mixed with 6pack of beer).

I tell this storey to hopefully keep some youngsters out there from repeating my mistake...

when I started doing xanax, I'd do like 5 or 6mg a day (just to party, not every day) and then I'd drink beer. Beer will grotesly intensify the effect. but over time I worked my bravery up. One night I went way over board. I had eaten at least 11 footballs and we (the guys) went clubbin. Well the bar served this drink called a fish bowl. THEY ARE FUCKING HUGE ! We were all drunk as hell but then we discovered the fish bowls. after the 4 of us shared 2, i was so lit i got one just to myself. I drank half the thing and i remember waking up 3 days later in my bedroom.

My buddies had carried me home. wife was worried. never seen me in that shape before. From what I am told, I was laying on the bed on my back and my wife heard a gurgling noise. She said she went into the bed room and I was choking on my own puke. So she saved my life. But I was still unconcoius for 3 days. no food, no water, no hospital. When I woke up, I have never felt so shity in my whole life. It used to be after waking up from a small dose of xanax i was refreshed..but this was different. I felt frail, weak, dazed, and confused. I was stumbling around hitting my head on shit and it was all i could do to eat a waffle and some milk. then I went back to bed for another 24hrs.

It was well over a month before the awkward feeling even began to fade. I truely believe its a miracle i did not die that night. btw, since you can consider body size and dosages, i weighed 135lbs. Anyone will tell you i should have died. I really can't belive no one took me to the hospital. that kinda made me wonder. If my wife didn't wake up for 2 days, I'd sure as fuck take her to the hospital. but oh well. live and learn.
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