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What Is The Steroid Of Choice In Mlb?


New member
We know that most pro baseball players use roids. I wanted to know what would be the roid of choice in baseball. Just like winny is the choice in track and field.
Probably winny also. Makes you strong as hell..
but OF COURSE having played baseball since the age of 8, it takes more than strength to hit a home run. That is no joke, tale or fantasy.
We know that most pro baseball players use roids. I wanted to know what would be the roid of choice in baseball. Just like winny is the choice in track and field.

Winny is not the drug of choice for track and field. Due to joint problems and testing.

We know that most pro baseball players use roids. I wanted to know what would be the roid of choice in baseball. Just like winny is the choice in track and field.

if you are interested in strength gains without too much weight gains (dont mind Mark McGuare, bloated look) then go with winny, tren, ox; that trio will make your strength soar without too much of a weight gain
I've been involved in the sports world and most take Winny. Winny affects the fast twitch fibers, which have the most impact in sports. A lot of strength athletes I've seen took deca for some reason (maybe due to its availability). So when you see an athlete flunk a drug test, its usually due to STANOZOLOL METABOLITES (winny) or NANDROLONE ESTERS (deca).
We know that 'most' pro baseball player take steroids? Doubtful. More like 30-40 % tops. And since no one here is a pro baseball player on roids, this question is an exercise in mental masturbation.
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