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trenny tren tren

Extra_Strong said:
one this about tren is.. u usually taste it in your mouth a few minuts after the inject.
and soon after you usually feel a slight raise in body temp , maybe a little faster heart beat...

but for me i usually dont feel it til the end of the 3rd week. sounds bad but when it kicks in you know it because you will get tight and your strengh will increase fast..
so dont get in a hurry it is worth the wait.

is it home brew?

Ya I felt the raise in body temp and taste in my mouth; that must be why I thought I felt it already. I'm pretty sensitive to my body and mood, and how they are affected by things. Like I said, I feel prop the next day! I'm sure the strength and gains will take a couple weeks, but I still feel kind of an elevated sense of well being. I don't doubt that it could be placebo though.
Starting my third week of tren ace. I could see strength gains by day 5 but felt "something" like you said within 3 hours. The sides just started ,mild insomnia,mild night sweats(just wear a shirt to bed)and a little aggression.
But by far the gains are awesome, bench up 40lbs weight up 8lbs but it does suppress your appetite.
I'm sure injection frequency effects when it kicks in. I'm running tren ace/prop mix (75,75). It's been about 2 weeks maybe a little over. I started injection only mon-wed-fri. Now i'm injecting EOD which is kind of similar but they arent exact days. Should i switch to every day? Of am i ok at EOD? I'm shootin 1.25 cc's EOD right now. Not exactly sure at the exact mg 1.25 produces though. probly makes it 100/100. I'm temped to shoot 1cc ED though. I haven't felt much of anything besides sweats, thats because of my poor appetite, as i jsut got over an upper resp. infection.
krishna said:
Really, that long? I feel prop the next day. I thought tren a was as fast acting as prop. Maybe I was wrong I guess?

ALOT of guys claim they dont "feel" their long acting Test for 4-5 weeks, but that is crap IMO :eek:
I get side effects from Enanthat within 2 days (increased sex drive atleast, and that IS A SIDE EFFECT of the drug), so I "feel" it within a few days, TOPS :)

But I have never used Tren (and probably never will), so I cant help you too specifically on that one :eek:
The Terminator said:
ALOT of guys claim they dont "feel" their long acting Test for 4-5 weeks, but that is crap IMO :eek:
I get side effects from Enanthat within 2 days (increased sex drive atleast, and that IS A SIDE EFFECT of the drug), so I "feel" it within a few days, TOPS :)

But I have never used Tren (and probably never will), so I cant help you too specifically on that one :eek:

Ya I think a lot of guys base "feeling it" on the gains and strength increases. I don't really expect much of that for at least a week or so on any gear. So far, I've been noticed more subtle effects with gear very quickly like you; i.e., slight changes in mood, perception, sex drive etc.
UFC22 said:
can u guys help me out with my Q up there? haha thanks

I think ed or eod is a matter of preference. Some guys say they get steadier levels with ed injections, but I don't think it matters much. Lots of guys have had awesome results with eod injections. I think you'll be fine either way. If you want to up your doses, then maybe you should switch to ed.
well, krishna I'm glad you ask this. Now I know I need to start my Tren a little sooner and stretch it out to like an 8 week run.
Normally I feel it after about a week as far as strength goes. I've been on tren for 2 weeks today, 100mg/ed. I take wednesdays off, last thursday, 10 days in, was the "kick". Went up 20lbs on my military press for the same reps, easily. I'll see today how much bench press and curls are doing :) Oh and I always do tren A every day, tren E I'll do 2x per week.
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