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Tren and Prop Cycle Questions

Thanks Joe. Xandoz I'm running caber and aromasin. Joe how many weeks do you think I can run the winny and the prop? I was thinking probably 4 or 5 weeks more after the 8 weeks of being on tren. Thanks Buddy.

Well technically you can run the prop forever as long as you brought it down to cruise doses to let your body get back to normal and recover from high doses. But for this current stack I'd run the prop 5 weeks after and the winny 6 after the tren. Then start pct the day after the winny ends.
Thanks Joe for the input. So I am looking at six weeks remaining from today. I have dropped a fair amount of body fat but I am not down to the 10% goal that I had hoped for this go round. My diet has been very clean but I am stuck around the 15-16% range. Any suggestions for how to really get over that last hump. I look a hell of lot better than I did 6 weeks ago and have done a good job of not gaining to much weight overall but dropped a lot of body fat which is what I wanted. I'm not near as vascular as I was hoping going into the summer. Thanks again.
Thanks Joe for the input. So I am looking at six weeks remaining from today. I have dropped a fair amount of body fat but I am not down to the 10% goal that I had hoped for this go round. My diet has been very clean but I am stuck around the 15-16% range. Any suggestions for how to really get over that last hump. I look a hell of lot better than I did 6 weeks ago and have done a good job of not gaining to much weight overall but dropped a lot of body fat which is what I wanted. I'm not near as vascular as I was hoping going into the summer. Thanks again.

If your already at a decent calorie deficit and doing cardio then I suggest you play with the ratios. Lower carbs and add in more fats and keep protein high.
Smash fish oil at 20-30grams a day. Eat 3 meals a day high in protein and low in carbs and 2-3 protein shakes, keep carbs to veggies and maybe earlier in the day some rice, yams, or oatmeal but if you need lower BF lower the carbs....increase protein with shakes, and increase EFA intake. A few handfuls of BCAAs prior to training and if you got the cash in between meals. Depending on your training, hit intervals hard, way more bang for the buck than steady state cardio. I do not know why folks are still bent on "cardio", do energy system development, ie intervals, much less time, burns way more calories (EPOC) and wont hurt your speed or strength with the weights. 10 or 15 minutes of intervals or strongman type circuits after your lifts 3-4 days a week will do worlds more for bodyfat loss than cardio.

As for Tren, I am a total newbie but have done two 5-6 week blasts in the past year with 75mg Tren Ace EOD, no caber, and last run was with about 150mg Test Prop and 100mg Mast Prop EOD. No sides really at all. So much so I feel like running it again this summer at a higher dose and with caber (got some on hand now for next run), but after reading how harsh it is I guess I will wait and just run Primo + Tbol + test Prop this summer and finish up with some Var possibly.
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Currently I have been taking in about 100 grams of a Whey/Casein Blend per day and then about 150 grams of lean protein from my meals. That works out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for me. Carbs have been around the .5 grams/per pound of body weight. I don't know the exact figures on fats but all I have been eating for the most part is tuna, salmon, chicken and a lot of flank steak usually with a fresh veggie. I throw some egg whites in there some mornings but most of calories are coming from my shakes. I have started trying to follow that 6 weeks to shred workout of Jim Stepponi's to try to keep my heart rate up between sets. It's a major ass kicking and way better than wasting an hour on the elliptical.

Joe I also wanted to see what your thoughts on primobolan are for this go round. Since I was only going to stay on for another 6 weeks total I would imagine that it would be a waste since primobolan has a very long ester. I have never taken it for shorter than 10 weeks in the past. If it would be a waste then I will just save it but if it will get me closer to my goal then why not.
Once I bumped up my dosages on fish oils/EFAs and added CLA, I have continuously seen a drop in BF% over long haul in addition to many other benefits. You might not get enough fat in your meals, guys eat so strict which is outstanding wish I ate as strict as BBs, but sometimes it might mean not getting in enough essential fats.

Also some research for sports nutrition will suggest 1.5-2g protein per lb lean bodyweight for optimal performance and lean mass. If you can afford it, try bumping up the protein. Again something else I started doing that I noticed a difference...I cant eat 400-500g of protein a day Im not that big of an eater, but I love the whey protein I use and can do 50g shakes 2 times a day plus a 70g shake post workout so that adds a lot of protein to my diet.
Currently I have been taking in about 100 grams of a Whey/Casein Blend per day and then about 150 grams of lean protein from my meals. That works out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for me. Carbs have been around the .5 grams/per pound of body weight. I don't know the exact figures on fats but all I have been eating for the most part is tuna, salmon, chicken and a lot of flank steak usually with a fresh veggie. I throw some egg whites in there some mornings but most of calories are coming from my shakes. I have started trying to follow that 6 weeks to shred workout of Jim Stepponi's to try to keep my heart rate up between sets. It's a major ass kicking and way better than wasting an hour on the elliptical.

Joe I also wanted to see what your thoughts on primobolan are for this go round. Since I was only going to stay on for another 6 weeks total I would imagine that it would be a waste since primobolan has a very long ester. I have never taken it for shorter than 10 weeks in the past. If it would be a waste then I will just save it but if it will get me closer to my goal then why not.

Even if you had primo tabs then 6 weeks would be a good addition. But if you had primo e or acetate I wouldn't bother running it 6 weeks. Then only things I run for 6 weeks are orals. I won't run an injectable less then 12 weeks regardless of the ester. I feel the first few weeks its just getting in your system and then real gains don't come on for about a month. Then you have a good 8 weeks of gains at least. I'm a firm believer in small consistent gains over time, instead of rapid short term gains that are often hard to keep.
One other thing I forgot to ask. I had to go out of town at the last minute for work and didn't feel comfortable getting on a plane and bringing this in my bag. I had to unfortunately miss my tren doses over the last week. Should I pickup where I left off or just stop it at this point? It really sucks to have to miss but I didn't have much of a choice. If you think I should pickup where I left off then what dosage since now winny is in the mix with the tren and prop?
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