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The strongest man ever ?

b fold the truth said:
Cardiovascular endurance is part of the total package. You really don't understand the sport at you?

Wait...above you say " Just because they use heavier implements now doesn't mean he is stronger. Back then they used lighter but went faster."

Wait a minute, you want it to be a test of strength or speed? Seriously...your agruement changes with the wind. You say that Kaz was stronger, he went faster with lighter weights. Now you say that speed shouldn't be a factor at the World's Strongest Man conest. Seriously man...make up your mind.

Z's 1k total was set when he was what...308 or just a little above? He is doggone 400 lbs now and a lot stronger. Nobody can take away Kaz's powerlifting total or any of his lifts though...freaking impressive.

Kaz did do very well at the events for his time, which are totally different than the events of today. Today they are much harder and heavier and strongman specific. I train the events at least once a week. On Sunday I did 10 events in 4.5 hours...sports specific.

The events that they did for the first SEVERAL years were easy to train for. Keg press, wheelbarrow race, wrist roller, harness pull, car deadlift, etc... It wasn't like doing atlas stones, fingled fingers, super yoke, etc... They weren't completely impossible to train for or totally foreign events. Heck...they were basically the same events every year that Kaz won.

I also agree that OD should have won that title and the event at the end was a bunch of crap. Totally too light. OD won the anvil loading event too...which was primarily speed but not running. I still wonder of the rumor about that event being thrown in at the last minute. If it had been...wouldn't OD have celebrated after the anvil load that would have given him the title? And why would they have had all events that day (anvil load and race) at a track? Still...a stupid event!!!!! What were they thinking?????

Seriously man...I can respect your opinion about Kaz or any other strongman but at the point in which you start saying things personally about lose all respect.

And just to have never done a contest, have never been on tv, and have no Pro card of ANY kind? And I am a "wannabe"?

Ya pretty sure it was the "armchair strongman" comment that spiralled this entire flame. Anyways - you once again missed the point - this discussion is about who was actually the strongest man ever. This discussion was not about who is the best at the sport of Strongman Competitions. The original thread starter even mentioned powerlifting - he obviously didn't mean who was the best at the SM comps. Anyways - keep pluggin away bro looks like you're livin it.
steelmass said:
Ya pretty sure it was the "armchair strongman" comment that spiralled this entire flame. Anyways - you once again missed the point - this discussion is about who was actually the strongest man ever. This discussion was not about who is the best at the sport of Strongman Competitions. The original thread starter even mentioned powerlifting - he obviously didn't mean who was the best at the SM comps. Anyways - keep pluggin away bro looks like you're livin it.

My apologies to you if I have offended you.

If I can assist you in ANY way for your contest...please send me a PM.

Dont forget that Jon Pall Sigmarsson won kaz, and won the strongest man 4 times like magnus ver did...
The strongest man ever is not the greatest strongman competitor. Strongman today is only partly about strength. The strongest man ever is the man who could lift the most for 1 rep in a variety of exercises that test the whole body. We have to start with the greatest squatter of all time, Paul Anderson. I'm not talking about the joke called powerlifting today, with the triple ply suits and the monolift and the squats that stop a couple inches ABOVE parallel. Paul did 1200 Raw and deep. He has also reportedly push pressed 600 from the rack. I'm sure if bench pressing was as popular back then as today, he could have pu up at least 700 raw. These so called 1000lb bench pressers today are a joke. What they do is not a bench press. If it takes 500lbs to push the bar down to your chest because of the silly shirt you wear, its a joke. These guys should not even be given the respect of being called athletes. Olympic lifters are not the strongest guys either. They are really strong of course, but their lifts require a lot of technique and speed. They are the most powerful lifters, but not the strongest. If you don't know the difference, pick up a physics book. I think the stongest man is whoever has the highest combined total in the squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead lift(press, push press, or jerk), weighted chinup, barbell row, and something for the grip, like a single hand thick bar deadlift.
Now, who is the greatest strongman competitor ever. I have to go with Kaz, John Pall, and Magnus Ver. Mariusz could beat them all today, but when comparing athletes you have to be relative to the time they competed. Kaz dominated his time, and John Paul and Magnus were so consistent and resilient and won some close ones and stayed on or near the top for a long time. Mariusz has won two legitimate WSM's(2005 doesn't count) and is still in the top 5 strongmen today, but hasn't done enough quite yet to earn a spot beside them. He needs to beat Zadrunas a couple times and I don't see that happening. Z is closing in on being in the same league as Kaz before Mariusz is.
Mariusz lost WSM this year... again... and Kaz had the WR raw total - what is Mariusz' raw total? I don't think Mariusz would have beaten Kaz in his prime. Kaz could enter another plane, and become an absolute animal. His mind-body connection was freaky.

PS - Paul Anderson is a legend but I wouldn't believe his 1200 squat lifts as he never did 1000 in a competition... After his unfortunate death, it was discovered half of his weights were a fraction the weight that they were marked. He is known for doing dummy lifts now... =(
steelmass said:
Mariusz lost WSM this year... again... and Kaz had the WR raw total - what is Mariusz' raw total? I don't think Mariusz would have beaten Kaz in his prime. Kaz could enter another plane, and become an absolute animal. His mind-body connection was freaky.

PS - Paul Anderson is a legend but I wouldn't believe his 1200 squat lifts as he never did 1000 in a competition... After his unfortunate death, it was discovered half of his weights were a fraction the weight that they were marked. He is known for doing dummy lifts now... =(

Don't confuse the WSM competition as being the ONLY or the BEST World's Competition going on these days either. Mariuz competed at the Arnolds and got 6th, all of those above him were with IFSA. Phil Phister (USA, formerly IFSA) won the contest this year...beating Mariuz twice in the same year.
There's so many world strongest man competitions every year, the one where they lift atlas stones and the two, what are they called? Oh yeah, weightlifting and powerlifting world championships.
perkele said:
There's so many world strongest man competitions every year, the one where they lift atlas stones and the two, what are they called? Oh yeah, weightlifting and powerlifting world championships.

There is only one "World's Strongest Man" contest every year an it is run by The Super Series. They don't have the best athletes in their league though. IFSA does, and they have their Worlds as well.
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