Most of the erectile problems associated with DECA are due to its progestagenic nature.
Nandrolone, popularly known as Deca, is a classified as a progestin. Deca derives many of its benefits from its progestenic nature: including, but not limited to, increase IM fat storage and increased fluid retention in the joints from glucocorticoid(GC) stimulation.
Deca is the most widely used form of prescription contraception in the first world. Deca is superior to testosterone as a form of birth control because its progestenic effects which result in rapid onset of azoospermia. Progestins are used similarly in women, progestins given to women in birth control pills and other drugs such as norgestrel and norethidrone are classified as 19-nor-testosterone or 19 nor- progesterone derivatives. Natural progesterone plays an important role in sexual arousal- affecting GABA to a considerable extent. The addition of progestins like deca which compete with progesterone and decrease its production may result in drastically reduced sexual arousal. Interestingly enough, the chemical castration of sex offenders, is acheived through the use of a 19-nortestosterone derivative.