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Test e pre contest


New member
If I used test e for the first 12 weeks out of 16 of my precontest diet will I still have some water retention at the end? I was going to run

Weeks 1-4 jump start
Tbol 50mg Ed

Weeks 1-12
Test e 600mg/ week
Eq 400mg/ week

Weeks 13-16
Test p 150mg eod
Masteron 150mg eod
Tbol 50mg Ed

Of course with clen, t3

Nolva 40/40/40/20/20
Clomid 40/40/40/20/20

Do u think I will still have bloat with 4 weeks till my contest?
Tbol isn't gonna jump start anything so go for winny if you want fast strength. Next to that i'd drop prop to 100mg EOD last weeks out.
Tbol can make some hold just a little water weight. I would also drop the Test completely, 2 weeks out and switch the Tbol with Anavar(or Halo ;) ), and maybe increase the masteron dose.
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