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Test Cyp/Eq cycle?


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Wassup Guys. I'm looking for a test cyp/eq/mast cycle. im 35 about 160 at 5'6. Bf is about 14%. This will be my fourth cycle. Oh and i also need a PCT......thx guys
Well to start, I don't think Masteron is the not best option. It is more of a cosmetic drug, and to see the effects you need to be sub 10% body fat. I would just stick with Test and EQ.

You want to run the EQ between 16-20 weeks, 600-800mg a week preferable. Then the Test along with it, anywhere from 250-750mg/week.

Run Liquidex from N2BM on cycle and PCT for your AI, 2ml/day.

I would definitely add in GW-50 to this cycle. Either the first 12 weeks, or the last. It is truly an awesome compound. Will help you cut, bulk, or recomp.. whatever your goal is. SARMS1 is buy 2 get 1 free right now.

Adding S-4 would be a good option at the end to help shred down.

For PCT, pretty simple.. Clomid and Nolva from AG-Guys, with Liquidex, and some really great test boosters.
1-16 Test C, 400mg/week
1-16 Equipoise, 600-800mg/week
7-18 GW-50, 20mg/day
7-18 S-4, 50-75mg/day
1-18 Liquidex, 2ml/day
15-18 HCG, 1000iu/week

19-22 Clomid, 50/50/25/25
19-22 Nolva, 40/40/20/20
19-24 Liquidex, 2ml/day
19-22 HCGenerate
19-24 Unleashed
19=24 D-AA
its your fourth cycle and yet you only weight 165lbs and at 14% bf? i dont know what your doing in the past but could you tell us what cycles you done before?
I agree with Reps for Jesus that Masteron is going to essentially be a waste at your bodyfat level.

Just stick with Test and EQ and maybe consider kicking it off with one of the new prohormones like Oxandrovar

Here is how I would run it....

1-16 Test E 500mg per week
1-16 EQ 600-800mg per week
1-4 Oxandrovar 2 caps per day (split AM and PM)
1-16 N2guard
4-16 HCGenerate


Liquid Clomid 50/50/25/25 (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Liquidex AI (Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding)
Test Stack 17 or PHYTOSERMS (see link below for info and discounts)
Ostarine 25mg per day (SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators)

Use RickRock10 at N2BM for 10% off
When im on im working out and when im off i slow down damn near stop working out for a few months. Im tryin to stop that cycle.
What were previous PCTs. This could explain why you lacked motivation

Sent from my GT-N7100 using EliteFitness
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