1. Are you over 25 w/>5-6 years if natty training?
2. Do you know the meaning of PCT, AI, SERM, 19-nor, DHT, HTPA, IM, Sub-Q?
3. Have you had a metabolic panel, hormone panel, liver panel, to establish a baselines?
4. Are you <18% BF (unless power lifter)?
5. Do you know about estrogen?
6. Can you rattle-off your diet w/o a qualifier of "I will change once I am on gear" and do you know what you will do you will do when you get adverse sides?
7. Are you taking OTC supplements and know why and what for?
8. do you know a cycle is not complete and you are not ready to begin until you have all the gear AND all the ancillaries actually on hand-including PCT?
9. Do you no var is not a magic pill?
10. Most of all, do you have a plan and purpose--a reason for doing gear in the first place/-trying to get abs for the beach is not a reason.
If yes to most of these questions, welcome, and how can we help you--
....unless you have the urge to mention insulin, DNP, cost, prices, sources, or ways to get gear, 
If you answered no to #s 2-10
, you need a platinum membership to search out answers to these question and at least one of the key reference books--. A Platinum Membership will give you access to the dozens of answers to every question you could possibly think of--the e-books are a must for every bro to have.
If you are <24;
If you have <5-6 years of natty training;
If you are a fat body;
then, gear is not for you a this time. do your growing with food/workouts/sleep/OTC Supplements (the Needto Line is my preference)
and intend to do gear anyway, some bros will help; others will not.
Just my Sunday am .02---if you made it this far, then
2. Do you know the meaning of PCT, AI, SERM, 19-nor, DHT, HTPA, IM, Sub-Q?
3. Have you had a metabolic panel, hormone panel, liver panel, to establish a baselines?
4. Are you <18% BF (unless power lifter)?
5. Do you know about estrogen?
6. Can you rattle-off your diet w/o a qualifier of "I will change once I am on gear" and do you know what you will do you will do when you get adverse sides?
7. Are you taking OTC supplements and know why and what for?
8. do you know a cycle is not complete and you are not ready to begin until you have all the gear AND all the ancillaries actually on hand-including PCT?
9. Do you no var is not a magic pill?
10. Most of all, do you have a plan and purpose--a reason for doing gear in the first place/-trying to get abs for the beach is not a reason.
If yes to most of these questions, welcome, and how can we help you--

If you answered no to #s 2-10

If you are <24;
If you have <5-6 years of natty training;
If you are a fat body;
then, gear is not for you a this time. do your growing with food/workouts/sleep/OTC Supplements (the Needto Line is my preference)

Just my Sunday am .02---if you made it this far, then