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Shelve life for test-e


New member
Hello everyone, I'm not new to this site but it has been a while since I've been here and have done a cycle. I was young (28 years old) when i first came across this site. So much new information to a kid at that age. I've done 3 cycles (1 test e with anavar, 2 tren e with test e and anavar, 3 and finally just test) in my life time. I've really let myself go because I've been battling with personal demons like alcohol. I'm finally clean and I'm ready to get my body back. Last cycle I've done was in July of 2013. And that was just test. I've been trying hard to get back in shape with just regular exercise. I'm 6'3" 230 lbs with about 30% BF. I've had two bottles of test e stored away in my closet for almost 1 year and I wanted to know if the bottles are still good. Do they have an expiration date. I want to take them by New Years. I figured it would give me more time to really get into shape before I start a cycle. Please let me know if someone knows the shelve life for them. Thank you.
If It has an expiration date, then it is Required by the manufacturer to guarantee that the product is good up until that date, Hell I have used some that was almost 10yrs old and it was still good.
I feel you brother, I was having very similar personal Issues months ago, A unexpected divorce, followed by the alcohol and depression demons, then I let myself get completely out of shape I am 5'11" 210lbs. I am clean now and ready to start all over again, yes I have done cycles before, now I am on my early 30's now and here is the hint if the stuff you stashed away was of GOOD QUALITY you should not have any problems with it taking it again I remember running a cycle with something that was supposed to be 2 -3 years expired and I worked perfectly. Most stuff starts to gradually lose its potency after expiration, but again if the stuff on your stash is legit and of mainly of good quality it potency loss after expiration is usually minimum.
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