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Sarms and side effects


New member
so I'm only 21 years old and I'm new to using performance enhancing drugs. a lot of my friends are using steroids but I don't want to use them yet because I know of the dangers
I'm a bigger guy about 240 lb and 6 ft 1 in. my body fat is high so I would like to cut down
I was looking at some of the different side effects that sarms can give you and they include vision issues. I already have poor vision and have to wear really thick glasses because I can't wear contacts
is there something that you can advise for me to do to keep my side effects to a minimum so I don't have this issue
there is ONE sarm that can "possibly" have that side effect.. that is ONLY s4, not all sarms so you have either received bad info or misinterpreted what you read.. simply avoid s4 is thats a huge concern...
I would be extremely careful with sources that are not well known or reviewed. You can alleviate all concerns by using TRUSTED sources and there are none more trusted than !!
so I'm only 21 years old and I'm new to using performance enhancing drugs. a lot of my friends are using steroids but I don't want to use them yet because I know of the dangers
I'm a bigger guy about 240 lb and 6 ft 1 in. my body fat is high so I would like to cut down
I was looking at some of the different side effects that sarms can give you and they include vision issues. I already have poor vision and have to wear really thick glasses because I can't wear contacts
is there something that you can advise for me to do to keep my side effects to a minimum so I don't have this issue
The only sarm I suggest at your age is stenabolic sr9009 20mgs/ed
dont use anything else or try cardazol as alternative
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