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Ronnie and Roids


New member
Excuse the ignorance, but could not find anything doing a search.
Could someone please explain the paradox of Mr. O Ronnie Coleman, reserve police officer and juice? Please don't tell me Cell Tech built that frame. How does a cop not get caught using?
I've been natural my whole life, so don't know all the insides of keeping it undercover, but this is really over the top when I found out what he did outside of BB.
People have been complaining about this for years. Every so often a rumor pops up about him being arrested for use as well. The bottom line is, no one knows the answer to the questions you ask except for Ronnie. Yes, he obviously juices. Yes, he is a police officer. No, Cell Tech did not build that frame. As for not getting caught, personally, i think it is because of who he is, but the truth is no one knows.
Does he not visit Mexico daily? thats waht i heard but again may just be rumour

As Boulder257 has pointed out, no one except Ronnie and his superior officers know what went on there.
For whatever the reason people looked the other way in his case. I doubt this would happen in many other LE agencies.
I know tons of cops that juice even a couple of DEA officers. It is like my lawyer told me when you ask why did I get in trouble when everyone I know didn't. This is the honest truth, he told me, you can't win versus the man and when he wants to get you he will no matter what. Some people drive drunk all their lives and never get nailed and one time your aunt who never drinks has a couple of glasses of wine and gets a dui. In other words when it is your time it is your time.,
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