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Religious Right trying to take over county fair. I made another scene....

rsnoble-im-back said:
Couldn't fucking believe it. Went to the fair last night to chow down on corn dogs and funnel cake and there they are. Several chow boths from the religious fucks of the area all clustered around a goddamn GOP tent. We avoided them and on our way out of the food court area some fuck next to the GOP tent tried handing me a small bible. I asked him if it included a handful of bullets and that his god Bush could suck my goddamn fucking dick. He was speechless and my wife grabbed my arm and headed me off lucky for him. Oh man was I pissed.

Bunch of retards trying to force their fairy tale beliefs on you. Imagine the outrage if I were standing around a disco tent handing out copies of the Advocate. They would cry turds in their pants.
you really think the Dems' are busting out some superstars or something? lol...a half black muslim & a bull dyke....
I think Al-quieda or however the fuck you spell that would be even a lesser threat without the Iraq crap going on. If some foreign assholes came here to the US and wanted to take all our shit........we'd be banding together also.
Gambino said:
your logic is so fucked up sometimes
it's not that i doubt your intelligence, but you let passion override thinking.
like twisting my words to say that i was calling pensioners freeloaders.
and, btw, your claim of daddy only pulling down 17k is not the whole truth.
i asked around, i do live in michigan you know, home of the UAW pensioner, and that figure is after he took a cash sum to retire. he could have collected more per year but he chose to take a cash sum and a lesser yearly amount. you forget to mention that in your quest to depict the poor, starving penisoner. fucking half truth
now, how would cheney have the most to gain?? for one he has no haliburton connections, you cannot as president or vice right? and the dude is already a multi-millionaire several times over. so what would he really have to gain? if we are stealing gas, as you so eloquently put it, then it would be the consumer, i.e the american people, that would have the most to gain from a solid supply of gas to serve our transportation, heating, and plastics needs. but of course this would be wrong, we should've let the fucking russos run the middle eastern oil fields. then you'd be bitching about how all the poor people can't afford heating oil and evil bush is responsible for not securing more oil. don't "steal" gas, don't drill in alaska, god no don't use nuclear power, what are we supposed to do?

If we dont take it someone else will!!! It sucks but what are we supposed to do? I do understand that. Its tough deal.
heatherrae said:
I'm not offended by the bibles. I like church people.

I just don't like the Republicans interrupting valuable corndog time. I can completely relate to the original poster...LOL.

LOL--I knew a pregnant woman could understand this post.
AAP said:
Find one where Clinton, Carter or Kennedy made claims that God speaks to them, God speaks through them, etc...

Bush is just as idiot that tries to appeal to a small narrow minded percentage of the American population. Considering what his "base" consists of, it is no wonder lies are so prominent in the party now.
you find me a quote where bush says what you claim
and i'll match you tit for tat with a dem quote
and apparently the small percentage that you speak of must be rather large, GOP has been in office for how long now? admit it bro, the majority of americans don't agree with your extreme liberal ways
rsnoble-im-back said:
LOL--I knew a pregnant woman could understand this post.
Yep, I understand the reverance a good corn dog with mustard can elicit.

There should be more foods on sticks.
Gambino said:
your logic is so fucked up sometimes
it's not that i doubt your intelligence, but you let passion override thinking.
like twisting my words to say that i was calling pensioners freeloaders.
and, btw, your claim of daddy only pulling down 17k is not the whole truth.
i asked around, i do live in michigan you know, home of the UAW pensioner, and that figure is after he took a cash sum to retire. he could have collected more per year but he chose to take a cash sum and a lesser yearly amount. you forget to mention that in your quest to depict the poor, starving penisoner. fucking half truth
now, how would cheney have the most to gain?? for one he has no haliburton connections, you cannot as president or vice right? and the dude is already a multi-millionaire several times over. so what would he really have to gain? if we are stealing gas, as you so eloquently put it, then it would be the consumer, i.e the american people, that would have the most to gain from a solid supply of gas to serve our transportation, heating, and plastics needs. but of course this would be wrong, we should've let the fucking russos run the middle eastern oil fields. then you'd be bitching about how all the poor people can't afford heating oil and evil bush is responsible for not securing more oil. don't "steal" gas, don't drill in alaska, god no don't use nuclear power, what are we supposed to do?
My dad did take a buy out, I think. I don't ask him about finances. All I know is what he tells me without me asking. He told me that his house is paid off and I've seen his tax returns. His pension is 17k per year. He's not rich by any means.

You were bitching and moaning on that other thread that we should send our companies overseas because all of these pensioners were ruining the economy by sucking the blood from the companies, yada yada yada. :rolleyes:

Step off, urchin.
Gambino said:
i'm not a bushbarian, but thanks for generalizing and stereotyping
it makes it easy for you to write me off when you paint me in that light
and i have thought long and hard about serving, it still bothers me...fuck though, i'm 29...too old to enlist? i dunno, but if i did, i'd do it for my country and self, not for a figurehead.
and funny how you fail to mention how FDR used god in a similiar light to support his war efforts...once again though only bush gets called on it
You can enlist up to 40 now bor, raised it from 34-35 for non-prior service enlistments. They've been having a hard time finding bodies for a long time... even the marines.
heatherrae said:
Wow. I didn't know god wanted him to steal oil.

God just telephoned me and told me to go to the store and steal some books and magazines.

Be back later,
I'm calling bullshit....moonpies and Dr. Pepper are on your theft list...
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