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Reasonable All the Time Dose

Ok so are you planning on staying on all the time now? Want maybe a good AI for staying on all the time too? I been on for the past couple of years so I know all the ins and outs of being on all the time bro. Love to help ya just let me know.

I want to stay on from now on. I just want to put myself in the high normal range (1000 dl/ng) and stay there. It is more than possible to maintain a solid physique at that level as I am very strict with my diet (aside from sodium damn I love Franks Red Hot Sauce on everything) and religiously do cardio as much as I can stand of it. I have been working out for 14 years non stop (since I was 18) never taken more than 1 week off.

Any help you can give me with achieving this would be great.
I want to stay on from now on. I just want to put myself in the high normal range (1000 dl/ng) and stay there. It is more than possible to maintain a solid physique at that level as I am very strict with my diet (aside from sodium damn I love Franks Red Hot Sauce on everything) and religiously do cardio as much as I can stand of it. I have been working out for 14 years non stop (since I was 18) never taken more than 1 week off.

Any help you can give me with achieving this would be great.

You just need to pick your poison...test C, E, sust(but this is more in depth), and go with a dose. Likely starting around 125mg wk. Run it for 8 weeks and get your total T done. Then adjust 25mg up or down as needed.
Then when you want to do a blast leave your TRT dose as is and add prop for 6-8 weeks at a time.
You just need to pick your poison...test C, E, sust(but this is more in depth), and go with a dose. Likely starting around 125mg wk. Run it for 8 weeks and get your total T done. Then adjust 25mg up or down as needed.
Then when you want to do a blast leave your TRT dose as is and add prop for 6-8 weeks at a time.

I think this is the best advise... You might find that you feel great with 125mg a week. Blood work is key. the rest is just a guessing game with your health at risk. You may also have some underlying problem that you never address if you dont get a full hormone panel done while being natty.
You just need to pick your poison...test C, E, sust(but this is more in depth), and go with a dose. Likely starting around 125mg wk. Run it for 8 weeks and get your total T done. Then adjust 25mg up or down as needed.
Then when you want to do a blast leave your TRT dose as is and add prop for 6-8 weeks at a time.

I always thought 250 mg would put you at 1000 ng/dl based on that study 300 vs 600.. Im sure you have seen it. I am not looking to be at 500-600 ng/dl I wanna be on the high end of normal. But if you think 125 is enough I am more than willing to give it a shot. This would amount to 0.5 ml since my cypionate is dosed at 250. I am assuming that once per week injections is plenty? I will get blood work done in 6 weeks because I have been on 350 for a while and need some time to let it drop.
I always thought 250 mg would put you at 1000 ng/dl based on that study 300 vs 600.. Im sure you have seen it. I am not looking to be at 500-600 ng/dl I wanna be on the high end of normal. But if you think 125 is enough I am more than willing to give it a shot. This would amount to 0.5 ml since my cypionate is dosed at 250. I am assuming that once per week injections is plenty? I will get blood work done in 6 weeks because I have been on 350 for a while and need some time to let it drop.

I would definatley give it 8 weeks bro. Let the half life of what your currently on break down. I would definatley start at 125 or .5ml wk. If your going to bother then yes you want to be high normal. 900-1100 range.
I was on test C for months at 150mg wk. Found out it was actually dosed at about 100mg heavy so it was like shooting 250wk. My total T came back at 2240!!!! I switched to 105mg of sust 350 every sunday like 8 weeks ago and i feel soooo much better.
Being too high for 8 mos or so My RBC really built up, LDL was just barely high, liver bilerubin was high. When i got my Total T done that explanied why. I expect bloods in 3 weeks to be perfect. (then I will blast again!)
I would definatley give it 8 weeks bro. Let the half life of what your currently on break down. I would definatley start at 125 or .5ml wk. If your going to bother then yes you want to be high normal. 900-1100 range.
I was on test C for months at 150mg wk. Found out it was actually dosed at about 100mg heavy so it was like shooting 250wk. My total T came back at 2240!!!! I switched to 105mg of sust 350 every sunday like 8 weeks ago and i feel soooo much better.
Being too high for 8 mos or so My RBC really built up, LDL was just barely high, liver bilerubin was high. When i got my Total T done that explanied why. I expect bloods in 3 weeks to be perfect. (then I will blast again!)

I appreciate the feedback I had no idea 250 per week could elevate your levels that much. I believed 500 would put your levels around 2000. Anyway, I will lower the dose to 0.5 ml per week and keep a pristine diet and workout routine and hopefully everything will fall in place.

Last thing, do you recommend an aromotase inhibitor? I have arimidex and I typically take one every other day or one every three days. Will this lower estrogen too much and cause other problems? Or can estrogen never be too low for us meat heads, lol
You just need to pick your poison...test C, E, sust(but this is more in depth), and go with a dose. Likely starting around 125mg wk. Run it for 8 weeks and get your total T done. Then adjust 25mg up or down as needed.
Then when you want to do a blast leave your TRT dose as is and add prop for 6-8 weeks at a time.

Why cant run a normal cycle of Test C or E at 500-1000 a week on a long ester cycle with EQ, deca and whatnot?
I appreciate the feedback I had no idea 250 per week could elevate your levels that much. I believed 500 would put your levels around 2000. Anyway, I will lower the dose to 0.5 ml per week and keep a pristine diet and workout routine and hopefully everything will fall in place.

Last thing, do you recommend an aromotase inhibitor? I have arimidex and I typically take one every other day or one every three days. Will this lower estrogen too much and cause other problems? Or can estrogen never be too low for us meat heads, lol

Well you have to account for a few things.... 1) everyones body is different. It might take 125mg wk to put me at 900ng/dl. Wheras it could take 200 to put you at the same place. 2) you also have to account for UG test. It can be dosed heavy or light thus affecting how much you need to run. This is why regular bloods are needed.
You should absolutely not need an AI at a TRT dose. Estrogen is our friend bro. You need a good balance of estrogen to make gains, feel good, get boners, lubricate our joints, ect. I would also switch to aromasin. Its a nicer drug than arimidex. Your sex drive will fluctuate even on a steady dose in the correct range. You may get a slight estrogen build up from time to time. In that case just take 12.5 mg of aromasin or .25mg of adex once and you should notice a difference.
But again..remember estrogen is not our enemy. You need it to make gains. Thats why people who run too much AI on cycle fuck up the gains they should be getting. Far too many people dont understand this. Even on a blast of 500mg wk or less, if you dont bloat too much (usually controlled by diet and cardio) or are NOT gyno prone then I wouldnt even use an AI then. Maybe 2 doses about 2 weeks after a long ester blast is stopped.
Why cant run a normal cycle of Test C or E at 500-1000 a week on a long ester cycle with EQ, deca and whatnot?

I have cycled but I don't really want to anymore. I just wanna feel good everyday and look like a million bucks. I don't seem to be able to do that naturally as I have hired professionals to design diets and logged my cals on fitday, done the workouts etc... and not only are results poor but I just overall feel terrible. Within a few weeks of hitting the test I immediately feel better. Obviously theres a problem but my doc won't touch it so I'm trying to do it myself. I'll get the blood work done privately and pay myself.
Well you have to account for a few things.... 1) everyones body is different. It might take 125mg wk to put me at 900ng/dl. Wheras it could take 200 to put you at the same place. 2) you also have to account for UG test. It can be dosed heavy or light thus affecting how much you need to run. This is why regular bloods are needed.
You should absolutely not need an AI at a TRT dose. Estrogen is our friend bro. You need a good balance of estrogen to make gains, feel good, get boners, lubricate our joints, ect. I would also switch to aromasin. Its a nicer drug than arimidex. Your sex drive will fluctuate even on a steady dose in the correct range. You may get a slight estrogen build up from time to time. In that case just take 12.5 mg of aromasin or .25mg of adex once and you should notice a difference.
But again..remember estrogen is not our enemy. You need it to make gains. Thats why people who run too much AI on cycle fuck up the gains they should be getting. Far too many people dont understand this. Even on a blast of 500mg wk or less, if you dont bloat too much (usually controlled by diet and cardio) or are NOT gyno prone then I wouldnt even use an AI then. Maybe 2 doses about 2 weeks after a long ester blast is stopped.

Sounds good I'm gonna give this a shot for 8 weeks and then have my blood tested and see where I stand.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my questions.
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