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PCT - It ain't easy bros!

your PCT was fine. you could of added a very small dose of clomid and ran the forma DURING cycle instead.

i would say you failed to run the proper ancillaries DURING cycle and you depended too much on your PCT.

next time run the forma DURING.. run the hcgenerate DURING. then KICKSTART your pct with some shots of hcg.. and THEN run the pct as you did above. and you will notice a tremendous difference in recovery.

and yes i agree up your carbs during pct.. so what if you gain some fat, atleast you will preserve the muscle.. you should have a low body fat anyway and have room to add SOME fat.

also the fact that you gained 17 pounds during your cycle tells me you are either very new to the scene or you are way below your genetic potential. 17 pounds is a lot of weight. so yes netting 12 pounds total as you did i would be very happy as long as my body fat did not go up

Im going to try a low dose of clomid on cycle. Big A from promuscle recommended this as well
I couldn't even get HCGenerate through SA Customs ... :(

0_o weird, I just haven't had any of my packages opened, but have got in liquid clomid and liuqidex, amongst all the other products as well, no dramas at all.

sounds like you did a great job OP. U mirin?

u mirin my great job?

Everything feels like it's come back to normal now, will get labs done soon.
Total Testosterone: 21.3 (9.5-35.0)
SHBG 43 (13-71)
Free Test 493 (225-725)
LH 3.4 (1.6-8.0)
Estradiol 17.1

All look decent? cholesterol, liver, kidney values all roughly the same since my last blood test and all within normal ranges. Still on post cycle/Unleashed/DAA. Got a bottle of Bridge to use and Ostarine to run in a month or two when I start cutting.
Total Testosterone: 21.3 (9.5-35.0)
SHBG 43 (13-71)
Free Test 493 (225-725)
LH 3.4 (1.6-8.0)
Estradiol 17.1

All look decent? cholesterol, liver, kidney values all roughly the same since my last blood test and all within normal ranges. Still on post cycle/Unleashed/DAA. Got a bottle of Bridge to use and Ostarine to run in a month or two when I start cutting.

Looking good! You ran a 4wk PCT right? How many weeks after completing your PCT was this blood test?
Yeh 4 week PCT but still running extra bottles of unleashed/post cycle currently, bloods done just under 6 weeks from last pin. Feeling great, still killing lifts.
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